:nes_fire: Important Announcement :nes_fire:
Today we are beginning a nomination for #QOTOs next moderator 🎉
Basically it works like this, any one of you can nominate someone from QOTO. The only restriction is the person you nominate must be an n posting account, active for at least the last month. You can even nominate yourself, but it usually looks better if you can get one or more people to nominate you, symbolically speaking.
The moderators will then select the finalists which if there is a tie the community can vote on.
So for the next 2 weeks I will be taking nominations for the moderator position, and they can discuss their views as a potential moderator. Then we can pick who lines u with QOTO Ideals,
**Want to nominate simeone?**
Follow this link and pst your nomination: https://discourse.qoto.org/t/nomination-for-moderator-nov-2019/92