It is Nice to have a Forum as part of our QOTO instance group of services. Each service has its own focus, and Discourse is a nice way to keep conversations visible for longer times.
* QOTO's Discourse Forum is at
Our posts in Mastodon are still here, but buried under many more we add to our profiles daily, while here a discussion has a more visible "Home".
* We can refer to threads we post here, helping new users, and ourselves at the same time. No more "I did write something about that...", or similar. :wink:
* We have emojis, text formatting with Bold and Italic, Images, attachments and more.
* To get started or to refresh your skills, learn some new ones and make your posts prettier - How about Reading the Friendly Manual?
* RTFM has always been a recommendation in tech and science circles. :wink:
The developers team at Discourse created a New User Guide.
It's located at :