@alcinnz I don't like those either, first because they generally require use of something that is not #FreeSoftware, autoexecuted through the @Web #Browser using #JavaScript.
Second, I have monocular sight and color blindness, so I expect webpages to respect my system-wide text font and size choices. The less images the better too. Using images to make tables is bad also, a way to make me fail a timed logic test.
@resynth1943@alcinnz Don't worry, I never said to avoid all use of #JavaScript. Being also a #JS liberator (I foster and, when called and when resources allow me to, I help websites implement changes to comply with #LibreJS), I like it very much. At the same time, I'm of the opinion that the less autoexecuted client-side scripting, the better.
@resynth1943@alcinnz For disabled people, zooming works for text only if: nothing invades the view/scroll; no position or distance is set by the style in a way that makes text kerning and line margins collide if using big text; everything uses default overflow/scrollbar.