I'm at Orange County Maker Faire, and my roommate's robotics team is showing off here.
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:36:07 UTC Bernie
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:38:30 UTC Bernie
They powered it up...
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:43:54 UTC Bernie
Another team has a pretty accurate robot...
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:45:13 UTC Bernie
I wasn't expecting it could also do that! 😄
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:46:05 UTC Bernie
“Robots will neither be common nor very good in 2014, but they will be in existence. “ – Isaac Asimov at 1964 World's Fair
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:48:20 UTC Bernie
I wonder if Asimov would have guessed that these "neither common nor very good" robots would be built by school kids...
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:55:16 UTC Bernie
These are not autonomous robots, but all teams seem to be doing some computer vision with OpenCV to auto-aim at the targets.
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:56:08 UTC Bernie
@cmhobbs It dispenses balls... in your face if you don't move away.
Hobbs (cmhobbs@pleroma.asn.mobi)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 19:56:09 UTC Hobbs
@codewiz where is the coffee dispenser/hand mauler? -
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 20:10:14 UTC Bernie
There's a language called OpenSCAD to generate 3D printer models without tedious drawing in a CAD!
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Sep-2022 20:49:27 UTC Bernie
If you thought calculus was boring back in school... how about applied calculus?