BookWyrm is the Fediverse's answer to Amazon's GoodReads.
BookWyrm helps you keep track of what you're reading, discover new books and publish reviews of books you've read.
You can follow them at @bookwyrm and find out more at:
There's a list of servers to join at:
There's a built-in book catalogue powered by Wikidata in collaboration with @inventaire
BookWyrm is part of the Fediverse and accounts on BookWyrm servers can be followed by people from Mastodon etc, for example @mouse is the BookWyrm founder's account.
Anyone (except corporations) can start their own BookWyrm server by installing the software, and there's a managed hosting service for people who join the top tier on Patreon (
#BookWyrm #Fediverse #Books #Book #Reading #Literature #GoodReads #Alternatives