#GRB221009A, the most powerful gamma-ray burst ever detected to date, was recorded just three days ago.
It most likely originated in a galaxy 2.4 billion light-years away, therefore, even if it got to our planet only now, the supernova that originated it most likely already turned into a black hole when multicellular life wasn't even a thing on Earth.
At the same time of the burst, #NASA confirmed a disturbance in the ionosphere on the band between 19.6 and 63.9 kHz reported by 8 radio stations around the world.
Let that sink in from a moment. A supernova that exploded in a distant galaxy in a time when jellyfishes weren't around yet, was so powerful that its echo created ripples in our radio communications today.
Now imagine what could have happened to planets that were much closer to the explosion.
These are the kind of things that really help me put everything in perspective.