Every time I have mentioned the excellent social reading network @bookwyrm, people have replied or messaged asking if there is a film & TV version. I'm not exaggerating, it is every single time, and different people each time.
If there are any developers out there looking for Fediverse ideas, please do a film & TV version of BookWyrm! (More info about BookWyrm here by the way: https://joinbookwyrm.com)
Film data is (I think) available freely from Wikidata, so that side shouldn't be an issue?
There is demand for a federated film review site, its users are just waiting for it to come into existence.
"If you build it, they will come" :blobcheer:
#Fediverse #AskFedi #AskFediverse #Dev #Development #ActivityPub #Film #Films #Movie #Movies #TV #Television