So this weeks follow friday, below are each person's description on their page if there is one, otherwise ill add a quick blurb.
People I follow and think you should too:
@snow - I am antifacebook, antitwitter, degoogle, antitheism, antipsychiatry, antimcdonald, antiwork, antidisney, anti prostitution, anticonsumption, antiMLM(Multi-level marketing), anti-microtransaction, copyleftism.
@crackurbones - Posts high quality STEM commentary and links
@rodolpho - I am Time grown old to destroy the world, Embarked on the course of world annihilation.
@greylaw89 - Some random guy that you probably shouldn't listen to about anything. Slightly less terrible at coding and geo-spatial analysis than I am at everything else. Worked for about 10 years in the GIS / IT industry, doing jobs in the civilian military, government, engineering, and petroleum sectors. Scuba diver, want to learn to sail ships and fly planes if I am ever remotely able to afford it.
@mandlebro - Current math phd student. Also likes games and working out.
@lnxist - HPC systems engineer
@Iambharani - Posts interesting eye candy mostly, sometimes with a STEM slant
@82wrangler - Love my wife, my family, our dogs. Work too much. Enjoy reading, learning new things and concepts, plumbing, electronics, fishing, having a vegetable garden and most everything outdoors.