During GamerGate, I was dogpiled and mobbed and brigaded and attacked by thousands of accounts. I started using a blocklist that was supposed to help stop that. I did not know that the blocklist I signed up for also had a lot of trans women on it. When I found out, I did everything I could to remove those women from the list I shared. When there were still innocents on the list, I stopped sharing the list entirely. Despite this, a mob has decided that I'm anti-trans. 3/x
Notices by Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)
Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)'s status on Wednesday, 29-Aug-2018 22:07:56 UTC Wil Wheaton isn't here.
Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)'s status on Wednesday, 29-Aug-2018 22:02:11 UTC Wil Wheaton isn't here.
I have been notified by an Admin here that they are getting 60 reports a day about my account. As far as I can tell, I'm not breaking any rules, and I've done my best to be a good person here. But this admin is going to suspend my account.
It's the Admin's instance, so I fully support their choice to eliminate a source of frustration, but something to consider: a person who is doing nothing wrong can be run off one instance by a mob from another instance. That seems ... not cool. 1/x
Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)'s status on Monday, 27-Aug-2018 00:13:11 UTC Wil Wheaton isn't here.
@freemo Being well known has its advantages and its disadvantages. It's sort of part of my life no matter what I do, so I just try to live the life I want my kids to emulate, and do my best to be a good person. And there's so much hateful trashfire online, it's nice to have random conversations with kind people whenever the opportunity arises.
Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)'s status on Thursday, 23-Aug-2018 22:05:13 UTC Wil Wheaton isn't here.
@freemo I hear ya. That's why I put it behind the content warning.
Wil Wheaton isn't here. (wilw@mastodon.cloud)'s status on Sunday, 19-Aug-2018 23:47:18 UTC Wil Wheaton isn't here.
"Hi1 I'm @wilw on Mastodon."
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