@victorhck cuando publicamos, por cierto?
Mañana a la mañana?
Notices by Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social), page 4
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 27-Feb-2023 19:02:17 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 20-Feb-2023 08:36:06 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 So, my #FOSDEM talk is uploaded.
If you want to know about #bootstrapping #RISC-V and #Guix you might find it interesting. -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 10:57:20 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Tomorrow: @fosdem -> Declarative and minimalistic computing devroom -> me giving a talk at 12:00
Let's see if I can join the chat properly 😬
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 30-Jan-2023 14:42:10 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Remember people that I'm talking @fosdem this weekend:
https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/guixriscv/The talk is recorded, but you can always ask me questions and I'm even open for one-to-one calls if you want to interview me to death.
I'll talk about #guix #bootstrapping #gcc #riscv and some stuff more.
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Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Jan-2023 22:19:51 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 recursos sobre test driven development en español? Alguien me recomienda algún video de unos 10 minutos?
(o una serie de videos)
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 20-Jan-2023 19:21:50 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Really cool job offers at @Collabora . They also provide the chance for PART-TIME jobs.
I'm thinking if I should send my application for a part time job and try to combine that with my freelancing.
Maybe it would be better for me if I could focus on what I like the most... Guix, Lisp, Programming Languages in general...
Even RISC-V... And they don't seem to provide space for that...
I don't know.In conversation from mastodon.social permalink Attachments
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 21:46:44 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @xrasl los fisios sin clientes son los más felices :)
Les gusta que no les llames porque eso implica que estás mejor.
In conversation from bobinas.p4g.club permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 03-Jan-2023 18:40:25 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 I'm trying to buy some stuff from ikea and it's a 76x56cm board and it's considered too big to be sent to my home for less than 20 fucking bucks.
I don't want to go to ikea.
Now I'm trying to buy it from a second hand shop here.In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Nov-2022 19:12:20 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 I block a person I often talked with because I realized I could be driven to some toxic behavior I didn't want to involved in.
No bad words, no hard feelings, nothing. I just decided to get distance. I think its fair.
After months he appears in another account and sends me a message saying "I'm a small man".
I'm not very large, that's true I guess.
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 25-Nov-2022 22:20:04 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @CarlosTheSailor @editora Gracias 💓
( 😆 )
In conversation from bobinas.p4g.club permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 25-Nov-2022 22:19:57 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @CarlosTheSailor @editora Como me ha llegado la notificación... sólo he sido amable!
Encima me están llegando más pero tampoco quiero insistir con el chiste :D
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 25-Nov-2022 22:16:56 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @editora y qué consejo os ha dado, si puede saberse ?
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 01-Oct-2022 11:18:05 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 I think more or less I'm done with the project. It has been a great project, full of very difficult challenges!
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 19-Sep-2022 15:49:04 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @mikelgs @ISFEuskadi CC-By da, euskaratzeko baimena ez duzu eskatu behar. Egindako bertsioan originala nork egin zuen esatearekin nahiko.
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 19-Sep-2022 15:49:02 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 @mikelgs @ISFEuskadi ba ni ez naiz fijatu horretan!
Ezberdintasun txikia dago, SA-n lizentzia berdinarekin banatu behar da eduki berria. SA-rik ez badauka lizentzia aldatu zenezake.In conversation from mastodon.social permalink Attachments
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 04-Aug-2022 18:29:52 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Using #include to include C files => /me dislikes
Using 1 character identifiers => /me dislikes
Introducing bit rotations and encoding instructions instead of adding a function that generates them properly => /me dislikes
TinyCC: Let's do all of that at the same time.
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 04-Aug-2022 18:29:51 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Write only code.
In conversation from bobinas.p4g.club permalink Attachments
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 28-Jul-2022 20:12:04 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 I just donated a little bit of money to the Wikipedia.
I don't know why, but I did it.In conversation from mastodon.social permalink -
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jul-2022 12:10:16 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 In conversation from bobinas.p4g.club permalink Attachments
Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 (ekaitz_zarraga@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 17:40:43 UTC Ekaitz Zárraga 👹 Alright let's do it!
Please come and join me because I'll need help!
Making a terminal emulator in #Guile and probably doing it wrong!In conversation from mastodon.social permalink