Notices by Eider (
Eider ('s status on Saturday, 09-Sep-2023 14:04:09 UTC Eider
Eider ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2023 18:49:03 UTC Eider
Today @ekaitz_zarraga has made this lovely empanada gallega. I want to try it right now! 💗
Afaltzeko ordua heltzeko desiatzen.
Eider ('s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2020 19:14:07 UTC Eider
[EN] For a long time @ekaitz_zarraga and me have been thinking about opening a custom fabric and DIY product shop. We discovered a local fabric printing shop so we decided to go on and test it.
This is the result of our first test: 100% recycled polyester canvas (made with PET plastic coming from plastic bottles).
Do you like it? Would you like to have some items done with it? Like totebags, cases.
We need some feedback to continue with the idea!
Eider ('s status on Saturday, 21-Sep-2019 19:48:18 UTC Eider
New job. My cousin asked me to make a pichi because she is a teacher and likes to wear different aprons. this is the result. do you like it?
You can follow me in @eider
Eider ('s status on Monday, 04-Feb-2019 20:47:21 UTC Eider
Keane - Everybody's changing cover.
I'm learning playing the guitar and the teacher taught me one of my favorite song. @ekaitz_zarraga appears in the back in the video. ❤️
Tell me your impressions.
Nire abesti kuttunenetako bat ikasten ari naiz. Erritmoa pixkat aldatu diot eta ahotsa entsaiatu gabe hau atera da. @ekaitz_zarraga agertzen da bideo honetan, berak lan egiten duen bitartean ni abesten.❤️
Esto es lo que sale mientras @ekaitz_zarraga trabaja y yo ensayo guitarra.
Eider ('s status on Monday, 14-Jan-2019 18:53:57 UTC Eider
Fruterixara sartu ta, “aupa Eider”, ez dau holakorik.
Me flipa entrar en la frutería y que me saluden por mi nombre.
Eider ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Dec-2018 10:41:50 UTC Eider
Zelan gustatzen jatan denda txikixetan erostia. Harategira deitu:
-Maria? Eider naiz.
-Eider, bai zelan? Esan...
-14:00tan pasako naiz ta, jarriko mese....Konfiantza guztixakin ❤️
I love buying in local trade. I phoned to the butcher shop and:
-Hi, Maria? I’m Eider.
-How are you? Tell me...
-I’m going to pass at 14:00, could you prepare me...I love this! ❤️
Eider ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Nov-2018 10:51:28 UTC Eider
@ekaitz_zarraga @victorhck jajajajaja! No es la primera vez que lo escucho la verdad!
On = buenSi quieres decir buenas noches, necesitas la palabra noche = gau, pero en este caso se deforma después para ponerle el “on” en una y queda gabon. ☺️
Y aquí la “master class” de hoy!
Jajajaja ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Eider ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Nov-2018 20:30:59 UTC Eider
Aupa! :D