Llega Nextcloud 13 con múltiples mejoras http://lamiradadelreplicante.com/2018/02/06/llega-nextcloud-13-con-multiples-mejoras/ #GNU/Linux #NextCloud #cloud #nube
Notices by punk (punk@gnusocial.net)
Victorhck (victorhck@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2018 18:39:22 UTC Victorhck
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 18:05:47 UTC punk
https://gnusocial.net/url/817078 -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 18:00:27 UTC punk
@jordila @ingoberlab muchas gracias quizas vaya pronto por allí ! -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 14:18:23 UTC punk
con la que esta cayendo .... te suben la luz si o si ... estará nevando o el mes que viene estará lloviendo y / o la bolsa cayendo al mismo tiempo ...lo que nunca cae son los precios de las facturas de la luz -
FUCK OFF GOOGLE (& AMAZON)!!1 (fuckoffgoogle@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 13:42:10 UTC FUCK OFF GOOGLE (& AMAZON)!!1
Let's kick Google out of our neighborhoods and out of our lives, online and offline!
First Kreuzberg, then the World!
#FuckOffGoogle!!! https://mastodon.social/media/lgFtQTLml2Uiqw1MN8Y
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 13:56:56 UTC punk
@lnxw48a1 by the way kindles are pretty good sales at second hand online markets :P they keep the value for a long time -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 13:55:46 UTC punk
@lnxw48a1 there is a way to unlock kindle's devices and probably he would has to change between docs formats with Calibre or something like that -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 10:29:34 UTC punk
Liberación Animal https://elbinario.net/2018/02/06/replanteando-nuestro-privilegios-sobre-los-animales/ -
elbinario (elbinario@gnusocial.net)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 09:00:03 UTC elbinario
Replanteando nuestro privilegios sobre los animales - https://elbinario.net/2018/02/06/replanteando-nuestro-privilegios-sobre-los-animales/ by @puppetmaster -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Monday, 05-Feb-2018 22:01:13 UTC punk
C 4 B R 0 N 3 S -
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Monday, 05-Feb-2018 21:51:07 UTC punk
@dzuk yew, Can I try it ? its mastodon + your created theme? -
@chibi[N]ah (alex) 🇫🇷✅ (alex@social.nah.re)'s status on Saturday, 03-Feb-2018 11:07:29 UTC @chibi[N]ah (alex) 🇫🇷✅
For those who ask me to repair their computer https://social.nah.re/media/5zg0a0C_hYdup2UPvLM
elbinario (elbinario@gnusocial.net)'s status on Saturday, 03-Feb-2018 14:37:43 UTC elbinario
Nuestro servicio xmpp se encuentra activo de nuevo aunque tenemos problemas de federacion con cuentas de algunos servidores. Estamos en ello, disculpad las molestias -
elbinario (elbinario@gnusocial.net)'s status on Saturday, 03-Feb-2018 20:30:04 UTC elbinario
LUKS: CAMBIAR CONTRASEÑA EN DISPOSITIVO CIFRADO CON CRYPTSETUP - https://elbinario.net/2018/02/03/luks-cambiar-contrasena-en-dispositivo-cifrado-con-cryptsetup/ by @devnull -
Complications 📲 (complications@a.weirder.earth)'s status on Thursday, 01-Feb-2018 20:32:12 UTC Complications 📲
Apollo phone concept, designed by Ichiro HIgashiizumi for the au Design project in 2002.
That is quite a way to get QWERTY onto a phone. Details on this are rather thin and I can't really read Japanese yet, but I think the ring surrounding the D-Pad could be a mechanical scroll wheel.
(source - https://time-space.kddi.com/adp15th/index.html)
https://a.weirder.earth/media/5FD7kc89kFKOVyJwngE https://a.weirder.earth/media/GK1PTFSPdqEO48oKPk4 https://a.weirder.earth/media/NjfPHNnxtwdT2-FDLk4 https://a.weirder.earth/media/MJowBBfbEcK9bdxUcxo
punk (punk@gnusocial.net)'s status on Thursday, 01-Feb-2018 15:52:15 UTC punk
@ingoberlab me flipa, habeis guardado algo de la charla? diapositivas ,...etc ? sabeis de algun sitio donde puedo encontrar + info -
PUNK irratia (punkirratia@gnusocial.net)'s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2018 20:47:02 UTC PUNK irratia
ABESTIA AIREAN / Song play: THE FIXTURES - mars-needs #punk @punkirratia · INFO the fixtures: http://punkirratia.net/talde/the_fixtures.html · ENTZUN - Listen: http://punkirratia.net:8000/punk https://gnusocial.net/attachment/805179 -
Sailfish OS News Network (sailfishosnews@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2018 12:30:43 UTC Sailfish OS News Network
#SailfishX 2018 Overview - Dual SIM Model Support, Android Support Upgrade, New Markets and More
Future #SailfishOS updates will include Bluetooth & mobile data fixes, working WiFi tethering, BTRFS support for SD cards and improved business features.
#Jolla is also working on new and improved privacy and security features like filesystem, memory card and email encryption.
Android compatibility will be updated to a newer version.Read more: https://blog.jolla.com/sailfish-x-whats-next/ https://mastodon.social/media/_gvOIEAAtgSS8YtZmLk
elbinario (elbinario@gnusocial.net)'s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2018 10:00:02 UTC elbinario
Scripting con Blender y Python - https://elbinario.net/2018/01/31/scripting-con-blender-y-python/ by @puppetmaster -
mirla (mirla@quitter.es)'s status on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2018 20:04:28 UTC mirla
Estimad@s Quitterian@s y otras especies del Fediverso:
Anunciamos que el día 3 de febrero a las 10:00 ayudaremos a vuestras máquinas a liberarse de las ventanas opresoras!
Celebramos un #installparty a #lleialtatsantsenca a #barcelona organizado por #lleialtec
Resguarda tus datos, traenos tu cacharro y te echaremos un cable (o usb) para instalarte un #GNUlinux!