Notices by チャノ (
@chen @nepfag @sim @tijagi @dolus @thatbrickster
@nerthos @boco @ue If there's a lesson I'd take away from that, it's that an imposed, top-down world culturally strip-mined and reduced to a bland, soulless homogenized corporate limbo creates an emptiness in people. They all feel it, even as they deny it, as the creature comforts and conveniences of the bubble-wrapped world they live in are served up to them.
When people are stripped of any sense of identity, they seek it out themselves. Maybe it's ethno-nationalism. Maybe it's political ideology. Maybe it's racial or gender identity politics. In the end it doesn't matter. They'll try to find it, and as the pressure not to mounts, they'll find it in increasingly warped and dysfunctional ways.
If anybody wants a peaceful, stable world, they need to let people be people. They'll form up into groups. Sometimes they'll hate each other or fight. Sometimes they won't. But if they're going to get along, they need to do it themselves, because they want to, from a place they feel comfortable being themselves in. Forcing them to conform, no matter how well-intentioned the conformity might be, will always create a backlash uglier than anything that would have been without it.
@boco @nerthos Always raises an eyebrow with me that people championing globalism are also championing "diversity". Like, have they not seen what unified EU regulations on food/drink/banana curvature et al has done to regional, traditional products and crafts? If ending up with the same bland, homogenized shit the whole world over qualifies as diverse, I'll pass.
I gone and done it, lads. !axis
@dtluna @nepfag Confession: at this present moment, I'm largely pissed at Gargleballs for telling Pixiv-using Japanese instances that "Western culture doesn't approve of your art". This seems like it'll piss him off, and I'm happy to accomplish only that.
Beyond that, given that Mastodong is turning into a hot topic in moonland right about now, I'm interested in striking while the iron is hot, showcasing a clear-cut alternative point of view. A little dramatic flair helps. Maybe people elsewhere don't like the nature of the dramatics. I don't really care.
Other than that, I'm just having too much fun with this to even consider stopping.
@nepfag @gitgud @pixiv 実際に、海外のインスタンス全員がマストドンと同じ厳しいルールに縛られていない。これは真っ赤なうそです、そしてEugenさんは大多数のGNU Social連合を代弁しません。GNU Social Axisという同盟に加わるよう勧めたいと思います。言論の自由などの価値観を守る上で中心的役割を果たす。私も連合の全員を代弁するとは言えないが、そういう価値観を尊敬する部分なら代弁できると信じます。
「Gargronは本当に嫌なヤツなんだぞ。マストドンより言論の自由をもっと尊敬するGNU Socialインスタンスがいっぱいあるのに、なんであの野郎だけが有名になったかさっぱり分からない。
Twitterの諸君!聞くが良い!ロリコン、アニヲタ、同人マニアック、我々はみんなTwitterの大量脱出を願うんだ。私はよく知っている。みんなが マストドンで頭をいっぱいにしてるけど、騙されるな!マストドンは自由の楽園ではない!そこには検閲と孤独だけが待ってる。
そう…GNU Socialは広い。マストドンだけではない。我々のAxisに加われて、因習の束縛を打ち破るんだ!加われ… に!ジークSmugLoli!自由へ!」
Christ, if some kind of nuclear war disrupts 夏コミ this year, I'm going to be super annoyed.
- User ID
- 3259
- Member since
- 14 Apr 2017
- Notices
- 10
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- 10