Notices by Danyl Strype (, page 15
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:48:29 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikedd @clacke gah. #SaferSpacePolicing, along with the people it reacts to, is why we can't have cool stuff :( -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:29:32 UTC Danyl Strype
@arunisaac @xurizaemon what I'm getting at is a standard set of labels that could used across forges, to indicate the state of a project ... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:27:57 UTC Danyl Strype
@xurizaemon @arunisaac say you're right, in that case lack of commits or the activity on the forge would mislead me into thinking "useless" -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:26:43 UTC Danyl Strype
@xurizaemon see my reply to Arun Isaac -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:25:57 UTC Danyl Strype
@arunisaac really? Given that software runs on OS that constantly change (security patches etc), and often connects to networks that do too? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 06:24:24 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikedd @clacke "meta" as in all the chat on SSD was about SSB? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 05:50:42 UTC Danyl Strype
Some standard for putting a #LuggageMark on project when active dev is moved to a different forge would be helpful too -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 05:49:09 UTC Danyl Strype
I guess there would need to be rough consensus on how long a project needs to go with no commit before these descriptions would be fair -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 05:47:42 UTC Danyl Strype
It would be great if #GitLab and other code forges automatically marked projects 'dormant' or 'discontinued' after a certain time of no work -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 05:25:16 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikedd @clacke used to be? Why did you stop? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:54:29 UTC Danyl Strype
@bobjonkman fair cop ;) Thanks for the info anyway. Helps explain why it's so cheap -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:53:15 UTC Danyl Strype
@stigatle @roland @enough14 @lightone ... and Choqok looks like it's still in dev, for those who use #KDE -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:52:06 UTC Danyl Strype
@roland @enough14 @lightone #YAIC by @stigatle has more recent commits ... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:46:52 UTC Danyl Strype
@rocky1138 big advantage being when I move (house/ city/ country), which I do often, it won't disrupt my ability to use my testbed -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:44:15 UTC Danyl Strype
@rocky1138 I've spent more than that on a bad meal. It seems totally worth it for lifetime use of a test server, even an unreliable one -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:43:06 UTC Danyl Strype
@rocky1138 thanks for the warning ;) They are having a sale at the moment. For a one-off $28 I could get the package that's normally $140! -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:40:54 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikedd @clacke huh, ok. I thought I saw your name on an Issue in one of their GH projects. Active user then? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:38:18 UTC Danyl Strype
@roland @enough14 @lightone #HeyBuddy hasn't released a version since 2013 (plus is it even for GNU-Linux?) -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:32:37 UTC Danyl Strype
@lightone @enough14 @roland how current is that list? It still links to #SkilledTests which went down ages ago -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Apr-2018 04:29:01 UTC Danyl Strype
@bobjonkman who is the parent company that CloudAtCost is the test install for?