@codewiz @benc My last employer was still using VMS text libraries (see https://docs.vmssoftware.com/docs/VSI_CMD_DEF_LIBRARIAN_MSG_ULITILIES_23-AUGUST-2019.pdf page 44 or so)
I tried interesting people in SVN or even git and I just got blank stares. From 2009 to 2017 I tried almost everything to interest them in anything modern and supported. Failing, I used Mercurial personally for all of my projects because at the time (2008) I could not find a coherent git tutorial. Mercurial took a few days at most to understand and I never had any trouble with it, nothing like what I keep having with git.
Still, git was the popular choice, it was supported by TFS, and IMO it was the easiest sell to people in a mainly Windows environment. There was a sudden interest in git when a regression slipped out to a big client; I started working up a demo and tutorial but was laid off a few months later.