Heads up:
Nachrichten vom Raumschiff: Erde Buckminster Fuller, Visionär https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/nachrichten-vom-raumschiff-erde-buckminster-fuller-visionaer.3720.de.html?dram:article_id=451680
/cc @dark_earth
Heads up:
Nachrichten vom Raumschiff: Erde Buckminster Fuller, Visionär https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/nachrichten-vom-raumschiff-erde-buckminster-fuller-visionaer.3720.de.html?dram:article_id=451680
/cc @dark_earth
@benni kommt drauf an, was man als Summe und als besser betrachtet. Und was das kurz heißt.
@reclus wo bleibt der space elevator?????
@benni wenn der Kapitalismus "einfach" zusammenbricht, dann ist mmn ein Anstieg von Emissionen absehbar, schau dir den Zusammenbruch Syriens an, der einher ging mit unkontrollierten Waldbränden, brennenden Ölquellen etc. Ökologische Mindeststandards werden erst nach einer Übergangsphase wieder greifen.
@benni ne Quelle.
Good morning, had no coffee but cold brew mate to start much to early this day. Now heading to my last University lecture and later give a short presentation about the Chinese space program (again after 14 month). Then all I have to do is finish some writing and I am done with my University time.
"We are socialists, disbelievers in property, advocates of the equal claims of all to work for the community as seems good — calling no-one master, and of the equal claim to each to satisfy as seems good to them, their natural needs from the stock of social wealth they have laboured to produce ...We are anarchists, disbelievers in the government of the many by the few in any shape and under any pretext."
Freedom, a Journal of Anarchist Socialism, Vol 1, No. 1, October 1886"
"The anarchist movement itself however is not in great shape. We’ve been poorly served by the last decade as we’ve only partially progressed in reconciling relatively new, influential ideals about fighting intersecting social oppressions with our far older base politics.
(...) We have minimal resources to work with and a modern cohort seemingly primed to squabble rather than coalesce."
Current #education plans are in no way dealing with the future #climatebreakdown beyond an individualistic approach of consumption shaming. No preparation, no resilience, no #regeneration and no emotional preparation.
Ich brauch nen Kaffee und dann mindestens 3 weitere. Stattdessen sitze ich mürrisch und unterkoffeiniert in einem viel zu warmen Raum und höre über 2000 Jahre chinesische Geschichte meine letzten 2 Vorlesungstage an der Uni*.
*Wenn ich nicht nochmal umentscheide in Zukunft.
"Katastrophen sollten keinesfalls so lange dauern, dass man das Frühstück verpasst."
- Muminpapa
A day weapt out for Nick Cave.
I miss the time where personal #blogs where more common than social media. So I was happy to stumble upon https://personalsit.es/ - a mini directory of personal sites. I subscribed to their #RSS feed and am working my way through it bit by bit, discovering new blogs to follow.
You may never heard about this project before, but that does not say anything about its importance (beyond the "edgy" title):
Autarky Library (509 free e-books)
This is a collection of material to learn autarky 97 (economic self-reliance / self-supply) for individuals, households and villages. All materials relevant for that can be included here, as long as they are more comprehensive than the ubiquitous article format. Only material that is free to download is of interest here (with a few exceptions). Here is what we found so far, and you’re welcome to extend it (just edit away, this is a wiki).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication CC0 1.0 Universal 2 licence.
and again i scored 100/100 points in a paper. while i might produced a good paper, the scoring here is much "less hard" than in other fields.
Solidarity, or: allowing ourselves to feel.
@amendedesfadens das beruht auf Gegenseitigkeit. War nen großartiger Abend. :)
Malcolm X - By Any Means Necessary - Organization for Afro American Unity - YouTube
Wade in the Water is a 26-part audio series offering a "fundamental understanding of the depth and breadth of African American sacred music, history and culture."
@BrauchC funktioniert bei mir wie Twitter in der Anfangszeit. Plus die sehr netten Wellness funktionen
United Anarchist Aviation Service! #History of Technology | Unanounced Project Collective (UPC) #syndicalism #anarchism #coops #agile #transition #climateBreakdown #posthope
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