Tranportr 2 izugarri hobetu da interfaze aldetik!
via @fdroidorg
Tranportr 2 izugarri hobetu da interfaze aldetik!
via @fdroidorg
Jaja barkatu! Aitor Kortina dabil itzultzeko, baina bai nik aipatu nuen Librezalen
Registration is open!
Fedibertsoa konkistatzeko beste pausotxo bat: #pixelfed-en izena emateko aukera dago. Etorkizun handiko proiektua izango delakoan, profila ireki eta probatzen hasiko naiz
"Samsung Messages" orain "Samsung zakil-foto happy hour" da:
If your are using the privileged and #fdroid alphas you might want to hold up on upgrading to 1.3alpha2. Or if you've done so you need to enable unknown sources once to upgrade to alpha3 which will come tomorrow.
Gracies, fet. Em sembla que ens tornaran boixos molt de temps, aixo esta en beta
We are experiencing a DDoS attack and are currently working on mitigating this. Thank you for your patience.
Lehen NoScript erabiltzen nuen webgunetako scriptak apur bat kontrolpean izateko baina Firefox-ek gehigarrien sistema aldatu zuenetik arazoak ematen zizkidan.
Orain uMatrix erabiltzen dut, eta behin nola erabili ikasita askoz hobe!
@ekaitz_zarraga @zital @txusinho
Slack ere erori da gaur
@zital Hemengo komentarioen arabera Europa mailan da:
telegram jeusitxe dau?
@zital Nitzako bai
Itzuli beharreko kateak zuzendu eta hobetzeko maiztasuna proiektu batek jartzen duen arduraren seinale bada, nik uste #OsmAnd izan beharko dela munduan arduratsuena.
Hau lana 🛠️ ematen didatena! (Baina ondo eh!)
Ezagutzen ez duenarentzat OsmAnd mapa aplikazio libre bat da Android plataformarako.
Basc al 100%, fent-vos una miqueta de companya 😋
There was a discussion recently of using #NextCloud as a more private alternative to #GoogleDrive or #DropBox.
Some people think you have to self-host NextCloud, but this isn't the case.
There are many sites where you can sign up to NextCloud just like you would sign up to Google Drive or DropBox:
Bear in mind that you have to trust the company running the site you sign up at.
I'd change the title to "graphic artists" or similar.
1970s Herbie Hancock is the best #antidepressant I know of:
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