ziggys subscriptions, page 12
These are the people whose notices ziggys listens to.
rugk rugk -> ⚠️ Follow me at https://social.wiuwiu.de/@rugk Germany https://social.wiuwiu.de/@rugk
⚠️ ACCOUNT/SERVER IS BEING SHUT DOWN; SWITCH TO https://social.wiuwiu.de/@rugk TO FOLLOW ME!
girlx Annyx México http://www.unosandceros.wordpress.com
Me gusta la informática, y me encuentro navegando en el cibermundo #Cibercultura - Me quedo aquí girlxuwu@suchat.org || ANYY ||
dtulf claudio Mar del Plata - Argentina http://radiodelaazotea.com.ar
Integrante de FM De la Azotea. Tarde para Excusas L a V 15h. Lucha, vive, resiste...cambia tu parte del mundo, es posible #MMA ✊✊
adfeno Adonay Felipe Nogueira Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brasil https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
Free software activist from Brazil.
juanbellas Juan Bellas Quitter.es Narón, Galicia, España https://www.recetasbellas.com
Cuenta activa en @juanbellas66
unosandceros01 Unos and Ceros CDMX http://www.unosandceros.esy.es
Apasionado a la informática, usuario de GNU/LINUX & FREEBSD. |XMPP = softyfre@suchat.org|
zagur Nueva cuenta: zagur@gnusocial.net /home/zagur http://www.portallinux.es
Me he mudado a zagur@gnusocial.net
fisch Fisch Las Cruces,NM http://aroaminggeek.com
Dudeist. Geek. Site admin and admin of the xmpp server openchat.network, among other things. Living full time in an RV -- by choice -- exploring America. OS X power user, former Linux-head. Python n00b. Anti-Windows. Skeptic. Atheist. Photography, digital imaging, geogaching, and most recently kayaking are a few of my favorite things to do. xmpp/jabber: aroaminggeek@openchat.network discord: aroaminggeek
aurochs Aurochs Spain
Biologist, and ecologist by nature. Rationalist but I hope also a little bit humanist.
ranchoelectronico Rancho Electrónico Boturini 61 esquina Bolivar, Colonia Obrera, MX http://ranchoelectronico.org/
Hackerspace; Seguridad digital; Software Libre; Electrónica; Tecnopolitica; Cultura Libre
internetofshit Internet of Shit In your stuff https://twitter.com/internetofshit
Obviously the best thing to do is put a chip in it. Tips: internetofshit@gmail.com / Key: 6956F195
fsfe Free Software Foundation Europe Europe https://fsfe.org
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.
aldobelus aldobelus España
software y redes libres, GNU/Linux, política, economía, cine, gastronomía...