Since the US banned Hawaiian language and culture, our native language speakers dwindled to the brink of extinction in the 1980s (>100 child speakers). The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.
More on the US ban on our language and culture, stealing of our land, imprisoning our leaders, and destruction of our prosperous, advanced country in the 1890s to support oppressive plantations and use us as imperial military base.
'McKinley School' was named for the US president who backed the US coup of Hawaii, banned our language & culture, removed of our universal healthcare, brought a horrible plantation system. The statue, holding a fake annexation document, is itself anti-Hawaiian propaganda.
Prior to the US occupation, Hawaii had the world's highest literacy rate, surpassing the US and Europe. We spoke Hawaiian, English, and instructed in our native tongue. After the US invasion, the language was banned in 1896 in schools and we were made to view it as a 'shameful'.
The US' systematic attempt to erase our culture continues, including through direct punishment of children speaking Hawaiian at any time in school by teachers. The teachers go unpunished by the education department & state, that sanction this culture suppression.
Hawaii also leads the US in the school-to-prison pipeline - #1 in rounding up children, targeting Native Hawaiians. Part of the continued US attempt to destroy us #indigenous people and lifeways.