御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:14:50 UTC 御園はくい
"Der, die and das are definite articles. You decide which you have to use depending on the gender of the noun." oh i forgot gender was a thing -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:17:20 UTC 御園はくい
@delores brb making a language where nouns have 1024 possible genders -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:19:01 UTC 御園はくい
@lambadalambda TRIGGERED -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:20:45 UTC 御園はくい
@8zu i have no idea what that means
i'm a simple neet -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:24:56 UTC 御園はくい
@8zu is there an accusative form of "reich" then -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:25:46 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @8zu i haven't heard anything from caim-senpai since -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:26:37 UTC 御園はくい
@8zu @nerthos t-mobile -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:28:19 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @8zu how would you know anyway -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:34:16 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @8zu s-saa -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 22:59:33 UTC 御園はくい
@histoire @dolus @8zu i'll just lie on the carpet and shitpost all day tbh -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:13:03 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @dolus @histoire @8zu that's not a very efficient use of your disposable income.. -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:14:12 UTC 御園はくい
@histoire @dolus @8zu -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:15:02 UTC 御園はくい
@nerthos @dolus @histoire @8zu thanks, i guess -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:15:23 UTC 御園はくい
@humuhumu @dolus @histoire only the good ones! -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:22:04 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @dolus @histoire @8zu thing is this doesn't add any tangible value to society and hence shouldn't be subsidized monetarily -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:23:27 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @dolus @histoire @humuhumu wait since when -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:23:53 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @histoire i still don't know who runs @humuhumu .. -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:24:12 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @histoire @8zu go to a maid cafe lad -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:31:26 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @dolus @histoire @8zu the same can be said of youtubers though.. -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:38:37 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @dolus @histoire @8zu whiiiiich is why paying me to post is a bad idea
((ily too *pat -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:40:15 UTC 御園はくい
@histoire @dolus @8zu @boco gasp
who has been profiting off my stuff -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:40:52 UTC 御園はくい
@histoire @dolus @8zu @boco this is not a contest *pat* -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:43:09 UTC 御園はくい
@nerthos @dolus @histoire @8zu @boco HAI DOMO -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:43:37 UTC 御園はくい
@humuhumu @dolus @histoire @boco then how come i've never received anything -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:47:12 UTC 御園はくい
@chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu @boco dats me -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:50:25 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu i'm a simple neet. -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:51:52 UTC 御園はくい
@histoire @chen @dolus @nerthos @8zu @boco no we don't -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:56:16 UTC 御園はくい
@boco @chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu that's not what i meant!! -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:56:27 UTC 御園はくい
@chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu @boco i'll neither confirm nor deny that -
御園はくい ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 23:58:27 UTC 御園はくい
@kfist @chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu @boco ひまみこ -
御園はくい ('s status on Saturday, 27-May-2017 00:32:39 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @chen @histoire @nerthos @8zu @boco i'll neither confirm nor deny that. -
御園はくい ('s status on Saturday, 27-May-2017 00:37:34 UTC 御園はくい
@chen @dolus @histoire @nerthos @8zu @boco honk!