@abreakinglass what about the emotional implications? For the revolutionaries themselves, not to mention the population they want to "free"?
Some on the left: "beat up the right coz Hitler. Some on the right: "beat up the left coz Stalin". #DivideAndRule
@abreakinglass no. #strategy. Getting the 99% to break into two polarized gangs and clobber each other is an excellent way to protect the 1%
@abreakinglass I think this is important, and I'm happy to debate it, but it might be worth reading this thread first
@bob @abreakinglass not everyone being attacked as a Nazi is actually a Nazi, just like not everyone the right calls a "Stalinist" is one
@bob @abreakinglass given that more people died under Stalin's regime than Hitler's, I'm just as worried by the authoritarian left as Nazis
@abreakinglass the point of punching a leftist is not to convince them, it's to disrupt their organizing and defend against Stalinism. Fair?
@abreakinglass if any person who ran a business got their legs broken, eventually capitalism would stop working, right?
@abreakinglass explain to me, like I'm five, why being like the #FARC or #RAF is not a good strategy for anarchist revolution 2017
@devurandom @bob @abreakinglass So your solution to every political problem is to blame some group and punch anyone you think supports them?
@bob @devurandom @abreakinglass that sounds a lot like both the Nazis and Bolsheviks, whose regimes began as revolts, took power ...
@bob @devurandom @abreakinglass and ended up as mass murder against jews, gypseys, anarchists, unionists, and others. #NotMyRevolution
@abreakinglass you really are a psychpath aren't you
@abreakinglass @bob the point is that comparing someone who lives now to some historical devil figure is a really bad excuse for violence
@bob @abreakinglass almost everyone who uses political violence uses some variant of that excuse, including Hitler and Stalin themselves
@abreakinglass if the only thing you can see wrong with breaking people's legs is that it's "inefficient", it's just an observable fact
@devurandom @bob @abreakinglass "the far-right kills people with cars, knives and guns" recently? In the USA?
@bob @devurandom @abreakinglass I live on a small island in the South Pacific, so maybe I'm under-informed and underestimating the problem
@bob @devurandom @abreakinglass but I've been bottled by skinheads and had friends almost run over. Escalating gang war was not how we won
@devurandom @bob @abreakinglass ok, so is the problem here people being "Nazis"? Seems to me the problem is ideologically-justified violence
@bob @devurandom @abreakinglass which is why I'm pretty skeptical that the solution is more ideologically-justified violence
@abreakinglass revolutionaries who lack emotional intelligence is one of the reasons most people have so little time for revolutionaries