I wish I could understand the reason why people in Germany seem to have no issue disassociating themselves from the atrocities committed by their ancestors, but people in the American south think they need to carry their great grandparent's Civil War baggage, and *proudly* ????????
It's probably something to do with this disgusting nationalism aka "American Pride" that one party pushes to the extreme, and the idea that their ancestors were enemies of America is too much for their fragile egos.
I don't even want family heirlooms. Place that shit gently in the trash, thank you.
@anarchiv It's just unhealthy to not have your own identity. You can't control what your grandparents did; you can only choose who you will be today. I'm sure that sentiment is understood.
When it comes to international politics etc it gets tricky because the name "Germany" will always carry that legacy, but if we dig far enough into any country we can find some really awful shit. America included.
@anarchiv Hell, we're on course to create a pretty fucked up legacy right now. Congrats America, you're losing all respect on the world stage. Never to be trusted again.
@anarchiv not old enough to be certain
@georgia well put