If you use Android, you can find lots of Fediverse-related apps and other free open source software on @fdroidorg, an alternative to Google Play which emphasises privacy and ethical software.
Also, some apps which cost money on Google Play are free of charge on F-Droid, such as Fedilab @apps. (This is because the app devs encourage people to use F-Droid.)
Due to Google's anti-competition roadblocks, it's slightly tricky to install F-Droid, but once it's installed it's very easy to use. It looks and works very much like a normal app store.
If you are comfortable using an APK file you can get it from F-Droid's website at https://f-droid.org
For less technical people, there's a step-by-step beginner's guide to installing F-Droid at:
#Fediverse #Android #FediTips #FOSS #Libre #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #DeGoogle #GooglePlay #Alternatives #FDroid