I've decided to scientifically determine today's relevancy of Weird Al's 1999 hit song "It's All About the Pentiums". Here's my first pass with my subjective opinion about relevancy of each of the lines. Reply with your suggested changes *and* reasoning for them. Everything will be considered. We'll figure it out.
@dosnostalgic I love how some that were meant to sound extreme at the time are now pretty commonplace (e.g. "flat-screen monitor 40 inches wide"), excellent little time capsule.
@confusedbunny People who's internet isn't great? 🤷♂️ Modems are still very much a thing, in fact more people are aware of their existence today than 25 years ago.
@dosnostalgic Hrm. The original Weird Al tune came out in 1999. I'm trying to recall how we felt about upgrades back then. I want to say that this line was just Al poking fun at the extreme upgraders, but... were we upgrading more frequently in '99?
@danhallock A4 - maybe A11/12 One is an extremely outdated reference, but the other is irrelevant. Compared to the 90s possible upgrades are pretty far between. A21 People still bring up the C64, as it is representative of a certain era and feel, today. Nobody outside of retro tech people has even uttered the word "286" is over a decade.
@dosnostalgic I'd flip: A4 — Hewlett Packard is still giant, and still distinctly uncool. I think it still has the vibe. A11/12 — the kind of poser singing this song is undoubtedly sitting at an RGB-blinged desktop with a mizouse and a GTX 3090 A21 — questionable but 286 was already absurdly behind the times in 1999 — 17 years old, and incapable of running Windows 95 or 98. If the C64 line stays, so does this one imo.
@dosnostalgic “Your PC is so old only retro tech enthusiasts remember it” seems like exactly the dis here. You’re making my case :) (obvs. subjective though)
This is my final current relevancy chart of Weird Al's "It's All About the Pentiums". A couple of changes. Haven't heard too many convincing arguments. Some are not clear cut, but these are my conclusions after 24 hours of deliberation. I also identified 6 lines that have little to do with the topic. Still, the song is predominantly REVEVANT imo! 🎉