Dreams (dream) group
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2018 12:48:25 UTC 御園はくい
oh before i forget
last night's !dream took place in a spacious, single floor, traditionally aesthetic, mostly wooden house of some sort, split into two sort-of-apartments (they're connected inside). the other apartment was fully furnished and stocked but nobody was living in them.
there were two exits from my end of the house, one was a modern door and the other was a wooden sliding one. none of them had locks.
there seemed to be modern plumbing but the flush and the tap seemed to be pretty weak, almost as if it was in a water-saving mode.
the ceilings were sloped and had large openings that let in natural light. although it was night there was auroras and starlight coming through so it was still pretty bright.
among the stars, there was a bright object in the sky. it's too big to be the moon, and when looking closer i realized it was the earth.
i was on a terraformed moon
it was a pretty place, i hope i can see it again~ -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Saturday, 28-Jul-2018 02:27:51 UTC 御園はくい
@dolus @kro last night's !dream was me skipping morning assembly in high school, but the discipline mistress saw me sneak out the back door of the school hall and started counting down
i had to go back and apologize in front of the school
but after that when she laid out a bunch of items on a table and asked if any of those were mine i took out the batteries from the projector remote control with a straight face. "wait those are yours?" "yes i put them in just now" "ok then" -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Saturday, 21-Jul-2018 03:07:35 UTC 御園はくい
!dream last night: yet another season of batoru
the selectors are grouped into teams and they each wear a scarf that only selectors can see. maybe if the scarf comes off something happens? iunno -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 00:20:48 UTC 御園はくい
!dream from this morning: my congregation used the melody of syouzyo syuumatu ryokou's OP as the basis of a new hymn and i considered switching denominations -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2018 22:23:30 UTC 御園はくい
!dream from just now: there was some gathering the contents of which i can no longer remember, but the lad next to me seemed to be quite good with pens. my parker 45 wrote really badly so i asked the lad if he did nib grinding, which he did. the gathering meets weekly, so i entrusted my 45 to him.
in the carpark a middle aged man saw us looking at the pen together and remarked how it's rare to see young people using fountain pens nowadays, etc. the lad offered to drive me back. while in the car, i noticed that i have also given him my kuretake 13 for some reason.
not sure if this was before or after the gathering, but a bunch of us were watching franxx. in the show a large, imposing old man was confronting the main characters, but kept getting assaulted by genzyutu. turns out the turuko lookalike can cause hallucinations via sound -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 18-Feb-2018 02:05:40 UTC 御園はくい
!dream from this morning: i was having a pokemon double battle against the leader of this paramilitary tiger-themed team. was largely ignored during the battle and managed to land two solarbeams on his gyarados
after defeating the leader, i left the other pair of trainers to duke it out among themselves and entered this large stone hall where the other grunts and admins were hanging out. they were playing a video of their past activities which included maintaining law and order and disaster relief. some grunts got up when i entered, but the admins told them to stand down.
admin "one of us. don't worry"
grunt "one of us?"
admin "yeah, what difference does it make at this point. we're about to disband anyway" -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2018 22:22:26 UTC 御園はくい
!dream s from last night:
-a bunch of us were flying off somewhere but one broke up with her bf at the airport right before we entered the passenger-only area; we found her on the bench with wet eyes
-i was looking for my trip expenses book in an athletic complex of some sort -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 14-Jan-2018 01:51:07 UTC 御園はくい
my !dream last night had simarin in it but i went "oh it's @roka -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jan-2018 10:52:09 UTC 御園はくい
oh, !dream this morning: was fiddling with some vr card game simulator, but with a fire feature: everything around you is on fire and it keeps trying to spread onto the table. you can either play the card game properly or try to set your opponent's cards on fire instead -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Thursday, 28-Dec-2017 22:24:43 UTC 御園はくい
!dream last night: something about entering a palace and visiting kaguya (dignified and not meme-neet)
she gave me some youkan or something similar -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Thursday, 21-Dec-2017 22:19:20 UTC 御園はくい
!dream right before i got woken up by the alarm: i was watching along with someone else some kind of amateur game dev "grand prix" show on tv. finished games are shown and judges give a score. there was this sprite-based action game, as well as another game (that i forgot right now). we both guessed correctly that although we liked the other game more, the sprite one is going to get a higher score
it got 89 (i guessed 82 to 83-ish). the next segment shows the development process—how the sprites are based off 3d models, which retain the lighting and volume of the models but fits in with the pixel art of the rest of the game. both of us agreed that it was pretty silly -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 26-Nov-2017 22:13:40 UTC 御園はくい
last night's !dream: there was a zombie outbreak
it affected mostly a certain demographic because they didn't understand cause and effect and continued going outside instead of holing up. some of their women even brought their kids out thinking the flailing kids were there to play -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Monday, 09-Oct-2017 00:04:41 UTC 御園はくい
@shpuld well actually my !dream this morning had my grandfather giving my kids incredibly kirakira names and me tukkomi-ing throughout -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 03-Sep-2017 19:35:54 UTC 御園はくい
!dream from this morning: we're a high school class but we also delivered a working part to the US artillery corps for a prototype quantum howitzer? anyway this was at night, and they were installing the part in the hangar. some people stayed around in the hangar to watch it start up, some people weren't interested and went back to the mess hall, while i opted to watch from a very very safe distance.
suddenly, there were electricity flashes and all the people in the hangar vanished. i went back to the mess hall and told those that were there about what happened. the class representative was annoyed because the class was supposed to gather in 20 minutes to get transportation out of the base. i told them we should wait a while more.
after a while, vanished people started showing up again, but there's something off about their dress and demeanor. most of them are in ugly sweaters and talk like old people. we then learn that they were teleported 50 years into the past, but didn't show signs of ageing. they ended up taking in boomer culture, explaining their behavior. in their point of reference, today was the 50th year anniversary of the event, and they rounded up the class, as well as the military personnel that came along with them, and came into the base through the front gate.
one of the vanished classmate didn't seem as affected, because he really missed youtube videos and hence rejected contemporary culture. he ended up being a youtuber himself since he knows all the trends. -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Friday, 25-Aug-2017 17:21:52 UTC 御園はくい
!dream this morning:
i was moving out of an apartment, parents came to help me move. the apartment was just 4-5 big interconnected kitchens, fully stocked. somewhere along the way i realized i have to somehow get rid of all the food and appliances before i go. i hand over the key and fly off tomorrow. dad calls my aunt and asks if they have any use for (onions, potatoes, carrots, bak choy, pumpkin, beansprouts,… -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Monday, 14-Aug-2017 07:27:23 UTC 御園はくい
oh a !dream i had this morning had me going undercover as a μ's member in order to get close to an official i'm investigating
he felt up my thigh :v -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2017 22:27:14 UTC 御園はくい
oh! !dream s from last night
-i was watching a documentary about one of trump's oldest best friends. apparently when donald was a kid he would give oversized tootsie rolls (they aren't widely available) to other kids he admired and see their reactions. most of them, knowing that donald's dad was rich, would flaunt off the tootsie roll as a symbol, revealing that they saw him only as a rich person's son. this one kid, however, just ate the candy discreetly and didn't say anything else. donald then took a liking to him. the documentary continued to show that decades later, that friend's region had a forest fire and trump came in on a private plane to extract him from the flames
-some irl danmaku vs thing where i won by going behind the other player and grabbing them from the back causing them to flail and spray bullets around
-something about walking next to a barrage and reaching a sleepy cafe at the other end. i had some microwaved food
-i was in this early-mid 20th century grand magasin occupied by an opposing group, trying to cause the building to collapse and trapping that group. unfortunately, after arming the charges i was stuck in the building with them. this was when i realized the other group were all familiar faces and i started to regret the decision. i knew there was a hole leading outside from the basement during my reconnaissance, and hurried down the stairs with the other group, at which point i saw a bystander nonchalantly opening the front door and walking out. -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Sunday, 16-Jul-2017 14:33:07 UTC 御園はくい
@hfaust i !dream t that a packet of sauce spilled in my bag and messed up my sketchbook
otherwise i've been clocking 7h of sleep for 3 days in a row i think, pretty weird
how about you? -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Monday, 26-Jun-2017 03:37:14 UTC 御園はくい
!dream from this morning:
a bunch of us were invited to a secluded island. the next day two teams of five people were formed and made to walk through an exhibit in a repurposed aquarium within a time limit. as we went in deeper it got more and more uncomfortable audiovisually. near the end of the route it was pretty much saya no uta level fleshiness with this din over us so we started running. there were two exits and i shouted at my group to stay together
as we got out of the tunnel we saw this structure with five questions and five ropes dangling beneath each one. for some reason i've had recollections of what we're supposed to do — answer all the questions, and have each person pull on a rope. however, the rest of my team thought it was over and just sat around talking. i noticed that a timer was still counting down, and answered all the questions on my own.
at the last moment i managed to convince the others that we need to pull the ropes. when everyone was pulling with equal strength a hole opened and it was announced that we cleared the course.
((i was writing it halfway when i had to leave in the morning. anyway, hi -
御園はくい (hakui@freezepeach.xyz)'s status on Friday, 23-Jun-2017 16:08:54 UTC 御園はくい
!dream s from this morning:
-i rode up to aomori by train, then was going to cross over to hokkaido by car. i had watercolor paper with me so i guess i was going to draw stuff? but it was pretty foggy so there wasn't much to see
-going to catch a flight with my mom and her friend. right before we go through security my mom's friend told me she snuck a live bat into my coat that she wants to take to a vet at our destination. luckily we were running late and they postponed the check for us until we reached the gate. as we went up the elevator we noticed that the button for the floors went like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 25 (approximately)