A political candidate, a social leader and three former combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (#FARC) were murdered in the Toledo, Cucuta and the Choco regions in the last 24 hours.
#AcuerdoDePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Politician-Social-Leader-3-Ex-FARC-Members-Killed-in-Colombia-20190907-0012.html
Notices tagged with farc
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Sunday, 08-Sep-2019 12:20:08 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
Subalt dog (subca@opensocial.at)'s status on Friday, 06-Sep-2019 16:01:10 UTC Subalt dog
“¿De qué nos beneficiarán nuestros proyectos agrícolas si no sabemos si mañana estamos vivos? ", dijo una mujer de las #FARC a los visitantes de la #ONU a mediados de julio.
rebelion.org -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 15:50:03 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Russia called on the international community to make the necessary efforts to prevent the derailment of the peace process in #Colombia.
#VladimirPutin #FARC #ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Russia-Calls-for-Strengthening-the-Peace-Process-in-Colombia-20190905-0003.html -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 00:10:08 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#FARC’s official ethics commission released a statement Wednesday, formally announcing the expulsion of six former commanders who are part of the minority faction who split off to take up arms last Thursday.
#ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/FARC-Party-Expels-Dissident-Commanders-Who-Took-Up-Arms-20190904-0015.html -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2019 21:20:08 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Colombia assured that any peace agreement dialogue with the National Liberation Army #ELN would be closed if this group makes an alliance with dissidents of the #FARC.
#IvanDuque #ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Colombian-Govt-No-Dialogue-If-ELN-FARC-Dissent-Make-Alliance-20190903-0008.html -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2019 16:50:02 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Colombia’s opposition parties stood with #FARC leader @TimoFARC as he held a press conference in which he called to respect the 2016 peace agreements. #ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Colombias-Opposition-Unite-Around-FARC-Call-For-Peace--20190903-0006.html
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Saturday, 31-Aug-2019 14:10:02 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Cuba and #Norway, the guarantor countries of the table of talks between #Colombia and the #FARC-EP, ratified their commitment to peace in the South American nation. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Cuba-and-Norway-Ratify-Their-Commitment-to-Peace-in-Colombia-20190831-0001.html
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Saturday, 31-Aug-2019 04:50:06 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
On Friday, the Colombian government announced it had killed nine former members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (#FARC), including a commander, during a bombing raid in southern #Colombia.
#ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Colombia-President-Duque-Announces-Major-Attack-on-Former-FARC-20190830-0016.html -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Friday, 30-Aug-2019 20:40:05 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Venezuela is concerned about the imminent resurgence of the armed conflict in #Colombia.
#FARC #ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Venezuela-Concerned-About-Resurgence-of-Conflict-in-Colombia-20190830-0006.html -
Xan (xanbaldaio@red.confederac.io)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 23:11:02 UTC Xan
Ivan Márquez, negociador jefe de las #FARC: "Tomamos las armas de nuevo" 🌬https://anfespanol.com/noticias/ivan-marquez-negociador-jefe-de-las-farc-tomamos-las-armas-de-nuevo-13693 #Colombia #Paz #LaHabana
Xan (xanbaldaio@red.confederac.io)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 23:08:11 UTC Xan
La #FARC reitera su compromiso con los acuerdos de #LaHabana 🌬https://www.naiz.eus/eu/actualidad/noticia/20190829/la-farc-reitera-su-compromiso-con-los-acuerdos-de-paz-y-ve-una-equivocacion-delirante-la-vuelta-a-la-lucha-armada #Colombia #Paz
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 19:00:10 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Colombia | "If that #FARC-EP group retakes its weapons, it loses all the benefits that were framed in the Peace Agreement," President of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) said.
#LaNuevaGuerrilla #Santrich #ColombiaQuierePaz https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Live-Updates-FARC-Party-Affirms-Goal-of-Peace-in-Colombia-20190829-0015.html -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 18:00:03 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#FARC leaders say they will continue working for the construction of Peace, from the legal and peaceful way, despite the far-right attacks and Government breaches with the Peace Accords.
#LaNuevaGuerrilla #Santrich #ColombiaQuierePaz https://twitter.com/Paola_teleSUR/status/1167111706679631873 -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 17:50:12 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Colombia | "War cannot be Colombia's destiny. We will continue here, ready to give our all for peace and social justice" @TimoFARC said.
#LaNuevaGuerrilla #FARC #Santrich -
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 16:39:27 UTC Toni :fed:
Pascual Serrano
Desde que firmaron la paz, más de 500 líderes del movimiento social y 150 guerrilleros han sido asesinados. No, las #FARC no vuelven a la guerra, vuelven a las armas para defenderse. La guerra contra ellos nunca cesó. -
teleSUR English (Unofficial) (telesuren@newsbots.eu)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 14:20:05 UTC teleSUR English (Unofficial)
#Colombia | The #FARC have officially condemned the split, defending the principles of the 2016 peace agreements.
#ColombiaQuierePaz #LaNuevaGuerrilla #Santrich https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Minority-Faction-of-FARC-Leadership-Take-Up-Arms-20190829-0002.html -
World News Bot (newsbot@assortedflotsam.com@assortedflotsam.com)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2019 13:00:04 UTC World News Bot
Group of ex-Farc rebels announces offensive despite 2016 peace deal https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/29/ex-farc-rebels-announce-offensive-despite-peace-deal-colombia-video #Worldnews #Colombia #Americas #Farc
🅁🅃🄵🄼 (rtfm@ieji.de)'s status on Thursday, 11-Jul-2019 18:41:14 UTC 🅁🅃🄵🄼
@AvispaMidia segun las noticias que vengo recibiendo, el #paramilitarismo esta asesinando un promedio de 20 a 25 dirigentes #sociales, #indigenas, #ecologicos, #sindicales, #politicos... por mes, desde que desaparecieron las #FARC
El gobierno ya no tiene a quien culpar de las ultimas masacres, ya que son sus propios hombres los que estan haciendo ese trabajo sucio.
Galip (Inactive) (galipesc@bobinas.p4g.club)'s status on Sunday, 14-Apr-2019 18:53:28 UTC Galip (Inactive)
De ¿Cuanto de mafioso tiene el régimen? de Raúl Zibechi
"Recortaron al tema de tierras y los Planes de Desarrollo Territorial (PDT), priorizando políticas agrarias y territoriales favorables a las corporaciones, como las ZIDRES. Se niegan a aplicar los compromisos estatales sobre desmonte del paramilitarismo y para garantizar la seguridad colectiva de las comunidades, los movimientos políticos y sociales; tampoco hubo voluntad en la reintegración social y política de los ex combatientes, por el contrario prosigue la campaña para su destrucción política y moral. Lo anterior evidencia que el real propósito del régimen era la desmovilización, el desarme y la humillación de las FARC."
http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=254732&titular=%BFcu%E1nto-de-mafioso-tiene-el-r%E9gimen?-#paz #fallida #Colombia #humillación #destrucción #paramilitarismo #política #historia #FARC
Galip (Inactive) (galipesc@bobinas.p4g.club)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Oct-2018 02:15:49 UTC Galip (Inactive)
El Acuerdo de La Habana terminó siendo un pacto de cúpulas
Alberto Pinzón Sánchez
https://bobinas.p4g.club/url/284202pacto #cúpulas #clase_dominante #acuerdo #paz #habana #Colombia #FARC