Notices tagged with yaics
@panko Hola, yo me conecto con #yaics sin problema, pero creo recordar, que en algún lugar se comentó, que en algunos clientes, en el apartado de server había que poner pero, mi memoria falla. A ver si hay suerte.
Nos estan faltando clientes #gnusocial / #mastodon para desktop, del estilo #corebird por sus funciones. #Choqok cumple pero le falta ese "sabor" y #yaics el mas austero. Dejando de lado las opciones #CLI, que son una maravilla.
@iw según sé la mayoría de nodos permiten hasta 1000 carácteres, tiene grupos, tiene complemento para wordpress, permite la suscripción a blogs, es la semilla de #mastodon... Es un poco más rústica la interfaz (solo una columna, no las muchas de #mastodon)... Para gustos distintos jeje (los clientes para pc funcionales y muy básicos son #yaics y #choqok, para móvil #andstatus). No sé en qué fase irá el desarrollo de #gnusocial
@xikufrancesc disculpa la molestia, no sé por qué me arroja esto en el navegador el servidor bobinas :( (aunque funciona en #yaics correctamente)
"Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to The server uses key pinning (HPKP) but no trusted certificate chain could be constructed that matches the pinset. Key pinning violations cannot be overridden. Error code: MOZILLAPKIXERRORKEYPINNING_FAILURE"
Pues es genial yaics, lo veo completito pero tiene algo curioso, mucho mucho cuidado con los botones que tiene muy a la vista, que te equivocas y dejas de seguir, o borras, o cambias cosas sin darte cuenta. Para los muy activos deben tener buen pulso del ratón. #pueseso #yaics #gnusocial
Para #gnusocial el mejor cliente #gráfico parece ser #yaics, al menos fue actualizado recientemente, cual usan?
Hmm, seems like the param : <statusnet:blocking>false</statusnet:blocking> , and '<is_silenced>false</is_silenced>' is not updated in the timeline xml file. So even though users are muted \ blocked in the web interface it seems as if it's not set in the xml timeline that #yaics is fetching. So I cannot check if a user is blocked or not.
Do anyone of you gnusocial devs know anything about this?
Doing some work on #yaics today, been neglecting it for a while, currently working on fixing the issue where blocked users posts still show up.
I block most of these manga-or-what-ever posters filling my timeline with questionable content. I'd like to have them not show up in #yaics when they are blocked through the regular web interface. Also I will add a 'block user' feature after that, so that you can block\mute users directly from yaics.
Wanted to code a bit on #yaics today, but I'm having issues getting ssl to work in qt creator on debian testing, I've had this issue before, but now it's being a real pain in the ass.
I hate showstopping issues like this with software.
@throgh Oh, and I also work on #Yaics -
@makes thanks for letting me know that it works for you, I agree with what you say about the follow\unfollow, I'm thinking about cleaning that up a bit, I'd like it to be visible somehow that you are following a person already (just by looking at a status from a user), but I'm not entirely sure yet how I should show it without it being distracting. I like the way you can quickly see now if you are already following someone, but I agree the buttons are a bit too much in each status the way it is. I'll think about it a bit, then I'll see if I can make some suggestions on how to impove that. Thanks for letting me know, I always appreciate feedback. #yaics
To those of you who use #yaics ( ) , what can I do to make it better for you?
If you have suggestion about new features or improvement - feel free to let me know. I will start developing on it again now shortly, there is some items in the issue tracker that needs to be fixed.
Yeah, my plan during the winter is to get more into VR development for Linux. I finally got rid of windows for one of the projects I work on ( #yaics ), that was the last project I had that I needed windows for when making precompiled binaries. I set up cross compilation on my debian box, so now I do not need windows anymore at all. Also swapped out 3dsmax for blender , so I do not need it for any 3D work either anymore.
The weather down here has been really crappy the last week, so much rain, typical south Norway summer... But tomorrow the weather will be nice again, so then I'll head out withe kids for a nice walk in the forest.
Today I'm just chilling, coding some more on #yaics , trying to fix some more bugs on it. And later I'll play some 'FreeOrion' - , great 4X strategy game if you like that kind of thing.
Buenas pipol,
He estado intentando configurar y utilizar #Yaics desde Linux Mint, pero al configurarlo e intentar entrar me lanza un mensaje en la consola de "Violación de segmento" y se cierra :S ¿a alguien más le ha pasado?
Just in case someone missed it - #yaics windows version has been updated. you can grab the precompiled 'unstable' build from ,
(scroll down to the download links).
The latest feature added is the 'delete' button for your own statuses. \\ cc @hikerus
You can now delete your own status from #yaics , I need to do a bit more work on the buttons though, because I need to clean up the way the buttons are shown in the statuses, they are showing up in some status types that should not have 'repeate, fav ,reply' etc buttons. This is mostly the 'information' statuses. Like when you favourite something from another user etc.
But the cool thing now is that you can dele statuses at least :)
I will clean up code tonight and most likely get it checked in tomorrow, I'm running out of time today.
successfully crosscompiled #yaics for windows on linux. (writing from it through wine now). So now I do not need my windows VM just for compiling #yaics for windows. I will make auto-build scripts tonight that builds and uploads a 'nightly' build on each commit, so that users can grab that between stable releases.
I will create and upload the new packages of #yaics tomorrow.
I did not have time yesterday \ today. But tomorrow I do have time for it.
windows executable and .deb packages will be uploaded.
I cannot promise the mipsel \ raspberrypi pakcage tomorrow (I need to set up my mipsel laptop, and my raspberrypi as well), so tomorrow I'll focus on the windows release and the .deb x86_64 .
I have decided to strip away the 'DM' feature in #yaics , I have uploaded the changes to git, and will tag and upload new pre-compiled releases (windows + deb) tomorrow at the latest (I will do it tonight if I get the time).
Big thanks to @hikerus for the help with debugging the past days, it's been very helpful. still has issues with yaics, that needs to be solved somehow and is on my to-do list.