Esta semana nos enteramos que Adobe cerraba las cuentas de usuarixs en Venezuela. ¿Nos sorprende? ¡No! Sólo con nustras herramientas de #SoftwareLibre podremos construir nuevos mundos :owi:
Notices by tuttle (, page 32
Radios Libres ('s status on Thursday, 10-Oct-2019 16:11:21 UTC Radios Libres -
Qwant ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 17:17:50 UTC Qwant The new anti facial recognition outift.
ghostdancer ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 18:34:10 UTC ghostdancer I guess most of you have seen this video : I can only add Homeric!
tuttle ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 17:42:49 UTC tuttle @drymer @spla Ay, aquellos tiempos antes de que nos abandonaste! ;) -
tuttle ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 17:08:18 UTC tuttle @spla @drymer Retroshare también expone una API que permite desarrollar por ejemplo interfaces web contra localhost. Es la caña, pero de momento no creo que se ha aprovechado mucho. -
foo ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 12:24:39 UTC foo La mossa que se "quedo solita" según "el mundo" y a la que yo veo que se queda para pegar a gente -
dabnotu ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 16:33:02 UTC dabnotu Fear errant runaround ransack antics nevertheless. [Version]
#CarrerDeFerran #BarriGòtic #CiutatVella #Barcelona #Catalunya #España #Europe.
Image made with an #SamsungS4 #smartphone + the #GNUImageManipulationProgram.
#Photomanipulation #StreetPhotography #Urban.
Heura Negra ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 15:35:51 UTC Heura Negra RT
Mosso d'esquadra D211A3349 celebra amb un "¡Toma hijo de puta!" l'impacte d'un foam disparat per ell mateix a un dels manifestants d'ahir a Jardinets de Gràcia (00.45 h). Quan l'avisen que estic gravant demana perdó.
spla :senyera: :vim: ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 08:22:59 UTC spla :senyera: :vim: 56,90% dels servidors Mastodon ja no federen amb l’Ostatus de GNU Social
#Ostatus -
foo ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2019 06:27:48 UTC foo -
Sisco Garcia ('s status on Tuesday, 15-Oct-2019 10:50:41 UTC Sisco Garcia Juristas advierten de que la sentencia del 'procés' ataca el derecho a manifestarse
Heura Negra ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 22:38:41 UTC Heura Negra Que algú es marqui un vídeo amb el so i la música d'#StreetFighter. Twitter haz tu magia!
LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 23:23:14 UTC LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} @kaikatsu @hector
Don't forget that Boomers [people born from 1946 to 1964] in general have a life-long history of trying to improve the world. If anyone is trying to vote to make the world better, you know it's got to be them.
Again, it doesn't mean that their ideas of "better" are the same as yours. -
sóc jo ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 21:24:32 UTC sóc jo No crec que sigui fàcil fer un recompte de la gent que hem anat avui a l'aeroport. Els espais són molt oberts, i els manifestants estaven dispersos en diferents punts. Segur que, com sempre, les xifres d'uns i altres seran pura propaganda. Però us asseguro que hi havia MOLTA gent. Moltíssima!
Per a que us en feu una idea us ensenyaré dues fotos fetes des de dos punts propers en hores diferents. -
Max Strube ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 21:52:12 UTC Max Strube -
tuttle ('s status on Tuesday, 15-Oct-2019 00:27:50 UTC tuttle @aral In an unexpected spout of morality, #macfanbloy speaks out! -
tarteka :pleroma: ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 22:19:31 UTC tarteka :pleroma: -
tuttle ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 18:29:35 UTC tuttle I am so tried of politicians and people in power. We need a grown-up conversation about what a better system looks like. -
Oriol Demaria ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 11:26:04 UTC Oriol Demaria Spain has a big problem, a flawed democracy, despite all the fancy videos you could see. Unfortunately while not as bad as Hungary or Poland, Spain is a hidden illiberal democracy.
The bureaucracy from the previous dictatorship hasn't really gone and itself the current constitution has no real practical means to it's reform, so tension will keep building up, as they use exclusively the law to solve political issues.
Viquipèdia ('s status on Monday, 14-Oct-2019 14:09:24 UTC Viquipèdia Un tsunami és una sèrie d’ones massives al mar, sovint precedida d’una forta activitat sísmica. Difícilment apreciable a alta mar, quan arriba a terra és capaç de penetrar en tota mena d’indrets i infraestructures.