Ja som milers i estem donant la volta al món. N'hem de ser més. Molts més.
Per cert, l'aigua sempre troba un forat per on colar-se 😉
Ja som milers i estem donant la volta al món. N'hem de ser més. Molts més.
Per cert, l'aigua sempre troba un forat per on colar-se 😉
RT @maximclatellot@twitter.com
Festival de dansa contemporània del Prat.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maximclatellot/status/1183755825464168448
...La Gran "Democràcia"!!!...😒
Each use leads acknowledgment language in actions.
#MetroSantaEulàlia #LHospitaletDeLlobregat #Catalunya #España #Europe.
Image made with an #SamsungS4 #smartphone + the #GNUImageManipulationProgram.
#Photomanipulation #StreetPhotography #Urban + #StopDesnonaments or #StopDesahucios.
Something that would really change my life as a FOSS dev is that people stop seeing FOSS as a finished product but instead as a best effort collective work by people that are [in position off] contributing for free on their free personal time on it and gave it to you for free [when this situation apply].
Like stop saying that "this is total shit" because you had bugs or because it wasn't top 100% perfect like you want for your super edge case that it wasn't designed for -_-
The far-Right is applauding the possible slaughter + mass murder of those living inside the region known as #Rojava at the hands of the Turkish State and cells of ISIS fighters. Why? Because of the growth of a stateless form of autonomous self-governance. A thread.
A ver si Alguien tiene respuesta. Gracias de antemano.
Someone earlier said Jeff Bezos makes more in a week than you could have earned at $5k/day since Columbus reached the US.
I didn't believe it.
I checked.
It appears to be true.
This is disgusting.
Seeks are never temporal. Peers are understanding.
#CarrerDeSantPau #ElRavalSud #CiutatVella #Barcelona #Catalunya #España #Europe.
Image made with an #SamsungS4 #smartphone + #ASCIICam + #VectorCamera + the #GNUImageManipulationProgram.
#Photomanipulation #StreetPhotography #Urban.
✊ Solidaritat internacionalista contra l'invasió i genocidi de Turquia sobre Rojava.
🗣 Contra el feixisme turc i pel poble Kurd!
📅 DIJOUS 10/10
🕖 19h
📌 Jardinets de Gràcia
La infantería del ejército español (los mamporreros del tío Sam) ya está desplegando armamento en la zona para apoyar a los turcos, que son aliados de la OTAN. Asco de estado español y asco de parásitos e imbéciles con uniforme que comen de lo que yo trabajo para ir a asesinar a inocentes en Kurdistán.
@SpainNato @EjercitoTierra
This November #LinuxAppSubmit lands in Barcelona!
👉 App stores, app creation, design, usability, marketing, ...
👩🏫 25+ speakers
📆 12-15 November
🌏 Lleialtat Santsenca, carrer Olzinelles 31, Barcelona
📲 Free (Registration mandatory)
#FramaSoft are shutting down most of their hosted services over the next couple of years, but don't panic. This was always the plan. The shutdowns will happen in a series of steps, according to a published roadap. They are keen to help users self-host, migrate to another community hosting org, or even help start new ones:
Mira, unha contradicción:
"Las herramientas del poder nunca servirán para desmantelar el poder.
cita inicial de un libro, escrita por unha persoa que utiliza twitter para denunciar o que fai twitter (entre outras empresas).
Dedicada a todas as que seguen ALIMENTANDO O SISTEMA.
#Taldiacomavui de 2002 es constituí oficialment la «Plataforma Aturem la Guerra», que mesos després liderà l’oposició civil catalana a la Guerra de l’Iraq en el context de les manifestacions mundials massives contra aquest conflicte militar.
RT @CGTEnsenyament@twitter.com
Volen que els serveis d’educació especial, d’ensenyament preescolar (P3, P4 i P5) siguin privats.
Nosaltres volem aturar-ho. Avui al parlament #AturemLleiAragonès
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CGTEnsenyament/status/1176899038706372614
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