Notices by (
- ('s status on Thursday, 31-May-2018 14:13:34 UTC
@knuthollund so to me it now looks like that #someone-out-there creates lots of IPv4 connections to's webserver. And that explains why the local user gets "connection failed" with Firefox so often with IPv4.
I guess your webserver has separate connection limits for IPv4 and v6. #Someone-out-there (maybe the lot of mastodon instances) saturates the webserver's IPv4 connection limit.
I have now created a SOCKS proxy for IPv6 for myself and so far works awesome over that proxy, without any annoyances. Just occasionally a little slower (that may be the slow queries) but absolutely acceptable.
So you could try making the webserver's IPv4 connection limit higher. Maybe that will solve all problems. Or: we could block the instances that overload our connections using packet filter or /etc/hosts.
!gnusocial - ('s status on Thursday, 31-May-2018 13:45:12 UTC
@knuthollund update: the #every-few-minutes-unresponsive-for30-seconds-issue occurs *only with IPv4* ! This will be the reason why you have never encountered it yourself... let me guess:you have IPv6 internet connection at home.
I discovered it with this shell command:
LANG=C; while true; do echo $( date; ( wget -4 -O /dev/null '' 2>&1 | grep "Connecting" ) ); sleep 5; done
This will fetch's public timeline page every 5 seconds with either v4 or v6.
Result (side-by-side-comparison):
!gnusocial - ('s status on Monday, 28-May-2018 23:03:52 UTC
@knuthollund maybe other !gnusocial admins could check one their instances whether they have those slow queries, too.
Because I wonder why this seems to affect only (apart from also which is currently down), _even though_ has already such powerful hardware like SSD, 12 GB RAM and the whole database kept in memory. I would expect there are at least some less powerful instances around, but I'm still still havent found other instances affected by this #every-few-minutes-unresponsive-for30-seconds-issue. - ('s status on Sunday, 27-May-2018 20:36:51 UTC
@lakwnikos Regarding the "not-responding database server every few minutes" phenomenon I really wonder what the cause of it could be.
1) I think only and are affected. I did some research and asked on IRC but couldn't find any other instance with this problem yet
At we can see a visualisation of the outages: . I checked a couple of other instances and there was none with a pattern like this.
2) so why only and They are independant instances. Or is there some config setting that got from back when .no was created? Maybe @knuthollund has an idea?
@knuthollund @hannes
[sorry for repost but I missed adding the !gnusocial tag] - ('s status on Sunday, 27-May-2018 14:41:21 UTC
@hannes Can we, the users, help to save Maybe some more people would make regular monthly donations now. (SEPA bank transfer is free of charge within the EU by law so EU people can even donate small amounts like 3 € per month automatically without any fees.)
And maybe there are other admins who can help with the technical problems.
Maybe you actually don't need a hardware upgrade now. Because: quitter.NO has exactly the same issue with "not-responding database server every few minutes". And already runs on powerful hardware (SSD disk, 12 GB RAM and the whole database kept in memory) AND has a smaller number of users.
@luke - ('s status on Sunday, 27-May-2018 14:37:29 UTC
@hannes Can we, the users, help to save Maybe some more people would make regular monthly donations now. (SEPA bank transfer is free of charge within the EU by law so EU people can even donate small amounts like 3 € per month automatically without any fees.)
And maybe there are other admins who can help with the technical problems.
Maybe you actually don't need a hardware upgrade now. Because: quitter.NO has exactly the same issue with "not-responding database server every few minutes". And already runs on powerful hardware (SSD disk, 12 GB RAM and the whole database kept in memory) AND has a smaller number of users.
@luke -
reiserin ('s status on Sunday, 18-Feb-2018 22:08:40 UTC reiserin
Nazis morden und der Drecks-Staat schaut zu #Plauen -
deleted ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jan-2018 00:55:59 UTC deleted
73. Jahrestag Befreiung von #Auschwitz.
Kommt zum jüdischen Waisenhaus #Pankow #Berlin -
utzer ~Friendica~ ('s status on Friday, 26-Jan-2018 20:20:44 UTC utzer ~Friendica~
Mein #Tor Relay macht jetzt dauerhaft etwa 1MB/s zuhause am VDSL, dass sind etwa 65GB/tag, die Fritzbox mag das nicht so sehr, alle 20-30 Tage bekommt die DSL Sync Probleme. Gibt es bessere VDSL2 Geräte ihr empfehlen könnt? - ('s status on Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 20:24:17 UTC
@throgh auf kommen die Posts von @nora an. Vielleicht ist auf deiner Instanz etwas mit dem lokalen Remote-User-DB-Eintrag nicht in Ordnung. Dafür soll es ein Bereinigungsskript scripts/deleteprofile.php auf dem GNUsocial-Server geben. Dies bitte nur als Rechercheansatz, ich selber hab das nur aufgeschnappt und weiß sonst nicht mehr darüber. Ansonsten könntest du die Gruppe !gnusocial befragen. - ('s status on Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 17:26:24 UTC
@paulfree14 vor ein paar Jahren als noch tatsächlich druckende Faxgeräte verwendet wurden hat Fax sicher mehr Eindruck gemacht als e-Mails. Aber heute hat ein Ministerium und eine Botschaft dafür auch PC-basierte Lösungen. Und das Aussortieren von Mails und Faxen wird sowieso von einem Büroangestellten erledigt.
1 Anruf des Rheinmetall-Chefs wiegt sicherlich schwerer als 100.000 Faxe von Zwergen
@majestyx -
Der Piratenschlumpf ('s status on Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 14:47:23 UTC Der Piratenschlumpf
♲ @Flo ( Mehrere Jusos, die mit „Nein“ gestimmt hätten und zum Parteitag nachgerückt waren, sind heute morgen durch andere Delegierte ausgetauscht worden, die mit „Ja“ stimmen. Aus Hannover wohl allein 8. So begeistert man junge Leute auf jeden Fall nicht für Politik. #spdbpt18 -
winterdienst ('s status on Saturday, 20-Jan-2018 16:53:09 UTC winterdienst
Police in the Dutch city of Rotterdam have launched a new pilot programme which will see them confiscating expensive clothing and jewellery from young people if they look too poor to own them. - ('s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2017 22:35:34 UTC
@pingspike you could join the !gnusocial group and repost your IRC post to the !gnusocial group here.
!gnusocial: Did anybody else have issues with thumbnails of attachments not being created unless the original image is really small? - ('s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2017 20:43:48 UTC
@pikespike you could join the !gnusocial group and repost your IRC post to the !gnusocial group here. - ('s status on Wednesday, 10-May-2017 13:51:06 UTC
I noticed a new !GNUsocial instance with zero posts on the public timeline, but: there already have a #followbot following 3500 remote accounts.
I wonder if the #professional behaviour of some #Mastodon instances now comes to mainland !GNUsocial? - ('s status on Monday, 17-Apr-2017 09:25:16 UTC
@guerin comparing to !GNUsocial:
On GNUsocial instances the public timeline is visible for visitors so you can get some impression if there is decent traffic on the public timeline what what people are up to.
And you can scroll down and find out if the instance has been already there for quite a while or if the instance has been created "just yesterday"
@knuthollund - ('s status on Monday, 03-Apr-2017 23:42:08 UTC
@micahflee on many !gnusocial nodes (like, you can connect your Twitter account to your GNUsocial profile and enable cross-posting. So what you post on GNUsocial will automatically posted from your Twitter account to your Twitter followers, too.
GNUsocial can also do #bidirectional Twitterbridge, so replies from Twitter users would appear in your GNUsocial timeline, so you could interact with Twitter accounts transparently. (Just because this bidirectional feature tends to impose heavy load it's usually not enabled on larger public GS instances. It's also kind-of against some Twitter term-of-use. But maybe you can find an instance that has it enabled, or create your own instance and enable that plugin.) @moonman @lambadalambda - ('s status on Monday, 06-Mar-2017 22:26:43 UTC
@witti es gibt übrigens auch ne Möglichkeit Blogposts (von Wordpress?) in !Gnusocial sichtbar zu machen, und Antworten von GS-Usern erscheinen dann auch auf deiner Blog-Seite als Antworten. @christopher