♲ @mad@fedpi.de: Hi friends, I have been working on my Project "Privacy Base" for some time now. My vision is to publically provide data protection documents and templates for your application hosting and processing initiatives and so help you application hosters to more easily get into this dry stuff.
You can reach this initiative from https://privacy-base.eu.
For now there is just information for Pleroma and Mastodon hosters. Templates exist for the data privacy statement and next will be the records of processing activities, both are a must have for hosters.
In time I will expand this knowledge base. If you want to contact me, I'm most available here on the Fediverse.
We've managed to now recover our bridge with #Freenode `#feneas` channel from our main chat room `#feneas:feneas.org` on #Matrix side, thanks for the @Matrix.org bridging crew for help 🤗
♲ @strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz: Membership of #Feneas (Federated Networks Association) is 1 Euro per month, which works out as about US per year, (or NZ). I'm going to join, and if you are a software creator or activist working towards federated replacements for any centralized digital technologies, I encourage you to consider doing the same: feneas.org/membership/
We're planning to implement in both #Pagure and #Gitea. Still waiting to finalize funding details with NLNet.
Implementation of author-hosted tickets in Vervis is in progress, and so is OAuth2. Next will come patches/MRs, and then we can finally release that Draft 1 along with a demo.
We're looking into making better docs, maybe a talk too. Would you prefer to read, or to see/hear me explaining? 😋
♲ @Mastodon@mastodon.social: Attention #Mastodon sysadmins! A new release with some security fixes will drop on Thursday, prepare to upgrade -- we'll release 2.9.x, 3.0.x, and 3.1.x versions to make sure you have the easiest time upgrading for this.
♲ @matrix@mastodon.matrix.org: Yay! We've been accepted into Google Summer of Code as an organisation again this year - calling all students: if you have a free summer and want to help build Matrix get thinking of proposals! summerofcode.withgoogle.com/or… #gsoc #gsoc2020
Funkwhale is building support for Artists and Podcasts
p class="has-drop-cap">Funkwhale has taken off in popularity in recent months, touting a web-based music platform with cloud storage and an open API for clients. Although it already offers ActivityPub support for federating music collections between multiple instances, one criticism has involved a lack of connection between Funkwhale and the rest of the fediverse ecosystem.
One exciting effort from the Funkwhale project to address this is the development of a new fixture to the platform: channels. The feature is still very much in early development, but the underlying pieces allow for creators to build their own media channels for podcasting as well as music, with the initial emphasis being on the former.
A proposed UI for subscribing to podcasts, both with traditional RSS and ActivityPub
Although these are still early days, this is an exciting initiative, and could give indie creators more tools to publish directly to the fediverse itself.
We've improved our home page https://feneas.org a bit, raising the #services we host to a more central role. Go check them out!
Speaking of services, we've recently added #Collabora to our #Nextcloud stack. Collabora allows real-time collaboration on rich-text documents, replacing the need for things like #Google Docs. Our Nextcloud stack is only available for members, but any shared documents can be edited online by guests as well.
♲ @humanetech@mastodon.social: There is a #github issue for #ForgeFed federation in #gitea but the devs want feedback before adding #ActivityPub #fediverse support:
1. Who wants this feature? Personal gitea user / Companies with private gitea / Git hosting website via gitea or others?
Federated Networks Association Ry is a non-profit volunteer organization that aims to spread knowledge about federated web projects and help people and projects involved in this area.