The first image from the James Webb Space Telescope (#JWST). From NASA,
"This slice of the vast universe covers a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground."
In that little speck, I don’t know, maybe a thousand galaxies, each with perhaps 100,000,000,000 stars, and all that in a patch of sky too small to even pay attention to.
One of my things in the fediverse is when one of the #admins notices something odd and posts about it, then everyone else is like "OMG ME TOO LET'S KILL IT WITH FIRE". This is our network, darn it, and we're gonna protect it.
We ran out of coffee beans yesterday, so this morning I broke out a bottle of Trader Joe's concentrate I had sitting around. Well. I apparently misjudged the coffee:water ratio badly because my heart is beating like a hummingbird and I can smell plaid.
> This is a workaround to a change introduced in Safari 12 that requires a user to confirm that they want to start the Zoom client prior to joining every meeting. The local web server enables users to avoid this extra click before joining every meeting. We feel that this is a legitimate solution to a poor user experience problem, enabling our users to have faster, one-click-to-join meetings.
If you access the Service through a mobile device [...] we will also automatically collect information about your driving habits, including, but not limited to, driving distance, speed, acceleration and braking habits (collectively, “Driving Data”). Such collection occurs even if you are not logged in to the Service. [...] GasBuddy may share your Driving Data as described [...].
My #mastodonadmins friends: I think the wave of spammers is going to get worse, and I think it goes a lot further than just spam. Basically, I think Russia is going to try to use us the same way they used Twitter and Facebook in the 2016 elections. We can't let that happen.
Politics ∪ tech ∪ security ∪ privacy ∪ O_oOne-time EFF Tech Trivia champion.Sysop of Free Radical.I blog about this at approachable. Bring treats.