@webb@resynth1943 I hope #WebAssembly and similar client-side scripting languages decide to not run autonatically and do require licensing, copyright and complete corresponding source information to be presented before asking for execution. Otherwise we run another round of #JavaScriptTrap
Thank you so much to everyone who pitched in - @conservancy supporters are amazing! I can't tell you how moving it was to see donations big and small roll in to help us sustain our work towards #softwarefreedom!
This reminds me of Internet Printing Protocol & CUPS. It's federated web protocol for sending jobs to your printers, and given the centers are the printers physical distance kept it very decentralized.
@lunovox São a visibilidade de cada publicação. Todavia, confesso que estes contadores podem estar errados visto que se tua mensagem agora foi global/pública (com ícone do globo), então deveria ter ao menos um em “Público”.
The only “ethical AI” for personal data is free and open AI that runs on your own devices where you own and control it. The only “ethical AI” for communal data is free and open AI owned and controlled by us all. AI/data owned and controlled by corporations is unethical to begin with.
@resynth1943@alcinnz For disabled people, zooming works for text only if: nothing invades the view/scroll; no position or distance is set by the style in a way that makes text kerning and line margins collide if using big text; everything uses default overflow/scrollbar.
@resynth1943@alcinnz Don't worry, I never said to avoid all use of #JavaScript. Being also a #JS liberator (I foster and, when called and when resources allow me to, I help websites implement changes to comply with #LibreJS), I like it very much. At the same time, I'm of the opinion that the less autoexecuted client-side scripting, the better.
While we are out of Men's Medium, we're expanding the vintage T promotion for our final day! If you bring your Supporter donation to $256+ for the 2020 fundraising season (ends tomorrow!), you too can get a vintage T! act now, just about 24 hours left! https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/#VintageT
ProTip: Remember to check your URLs for "utm_*" parameters
E.G. If I see: "?utm_source=reddit.com" at the end of the URL you shared, I know you got it from Reddit
Or "utm_campaign=newsletter0120" tells me you probably copied it from an email sent in January of last year
These are never needed to actually reach the page you're sharing. They're just for analytics (UTM tracking modules) and will reveal where you get your information (to us and the site), which may cause privacy issues
📢 Nouvelle réunion Sensibilisation ce soir à 17 h 30 ! Objectif : dans le cadre du projet #jeudugnou, alerter le grand public sur le danger « restrictions d'usage » et notamment dans sa déclinaison « interdiction de partage ». https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/23165
Eu estava andando na rua e vi um pedinte pedindo dinheiro no sinal de transito. "O sr tem alguma moedinhas pra me dar? Não?... e o lobo guara?" Casquei o bico. kkkkk