DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Apr-2020 07:51:57 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
AndStatus now has support for Mastoturd scopes.
/document/image:15111.png -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Monday, 23-Mar-2020 16:42:10 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Interesting, AndStatus has a generic ActivityPub instance type now. It seems limited in how well it works with splergoma which only serves as more proof that splergoma is merely a client of the Mastodon® social network™ now, built up with porn money, hookers and blow.
In any case, AndStatus works great nowadays and doesn't crash like dedicated dead elephant clients. I like it~
Attachment provided as a deterrent for some. It would be very funny if it didn't work though :smug2:
/document/image:3102.jpg -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2019 05:52:02 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@andstatus Sadly it does not work, the limit still shows up as 500. I am on a Pleroma instance though, as I understand it exposes max post length with max_toot_chars property accessible from /api/v1/instance (which is what glitch-soc used.) -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Nov-2018 07:31:23 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Does gargamel pay his taxes properly? Maybe it's time for right-wing tax squads to investigate? :thotpatrol: -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Nov-2018 04:44:14 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a iaculis arcu. Sed pharetra lectus vel nisl tempor pellentesque. Phasellus vel consectetur risus. Ut congue, nisi ullamcorper ultricies malesuada, nibh lorem sollicitudin turpis, sit amet cursus erat neque quis mi. Vestibulum eleifend velit non erat auctor, id maximus lectus efficitur. Donec maximus tortor lectus, non sodales ipsum consequat ut. Aenean tincidunt maximus gravida. Donec id sapien lacinia, tincidunt ligula condimentum, suscipit lectus. Donec eu rhoncus nunc. Vestibulum sed eros malesuada ex pellentesque volutpat eu at erat. Nullam ullamcorper feugiat est ac cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non mi aliquet erat rutrum maximus. Donec faucibus, justo ac hendrerit sagittis, urna est volutpat ligula, a interdum tellus augue et tortor. Cras finibus dignissim lectus, tincidunt ultrices urna cursus a.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eleifend luctus massa ac sagittis. Pellentesque eu sapien sit amet ligula cursus fermentum vitae porta justo. Morbi eget sapien euismod, fermentum orci sit amet, tincidunt est. Nulla faucibus placerat diam, vitae accumsan est imperdiet et. Aliquam fringilla eros eget dui vestibulum feugiat quis eget purus. Donec sodales placerat elit, in gravida magna tempor sed. Integer sit amet nibh turpis. Curabitur rutrum bibendum orci, at vehicula nisi.
Donec interdum eros eros, quis faucibus nulla convallis a. Donec venenatis erat est, et eleifend nisi vehicula et. Fusce at turpis sit amet ex blandit tincidunt. Pellentesque a velit at nibh tempus tincidunt. Maecenas ut elit faucibus, lobortis lorem nec, dapibus lorem. Quisque elementum varius diam, sed mollis sem pulvinar vitae. Duis volutpat nisi vel lectus viverra, sed scelerisque augue tincidunt. Fusce orci velit, maximus non est id, tristique convallis velit.
Nulla dolor enim, convallis quis sem et, interdum semper nulla. Sed tincidunt in lectus sed sodales. Vestibulum finibus at quam et fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sodales lectus maximus, porttitor nunc vel, imperdiet sem. Proin iaculis suscipit dolor at tincidunt. Integer a velit gravida mauris cursus rutrum. Quisque vel commodo turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus quis tristique massa. Nunc condimentum purus condimentum ipsum consequat, eget lobortis magna pellentesque. Proin ac mollis lorem. Aenean lorem tellus, ultrices non convallis quis, rutrum quis nulla. Ut posuere nunc a ultricies tincidunt. In placerat odio dictum malesuada ultricies. Nunc tristique massa elementum dapibus mattis.
Suspendisse elementum est vel lectus pretium iaculis. Etiam dolor nibh, ullamcorper eget lacinia sed, ornare ut lacus. Aliquam vel neque quis eros semper condimentum sit amet et nibh. Aliquam ac sapien sed erat congue maximus quis sit amet est. Morbi sed efficitur ipsum. Nulla imperdiet a odio ac lobortis. Fusce vitae imperdiet augue, non sagittis arcu. Nullam iaculis laoreet tortor in faucibus. Aenean in consequat ligula, non fermentum nibh. Integer pretium sem ultrices vestibulum pellentesque. Suspendisse mattis dapibus nisi.
Nunc commodo diam sit amet euismod rhoncus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ut ante sed diam gravida condimentum nec non dui. Ut efficitur nisl eleifend turpis placerat lacinia. Fusce maximus pretium iaculis. Cras. -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Sunday, 18-Nov-2018 06:33:01 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@kjv1611 @orekix Leviticus 18 is a gem:
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination.Leviticus 18:22
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Nov-2018 03:53:44 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Go to sleep already, you shits -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Nov-2018 01:29:31 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@zemichi @kaniini @shpufeff here's v2
tenshi_npc_v2.png -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Saturday, 13-Oct-2018 14:14:45 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@hakui @fl0wn -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Friday, 12-Oct-2018 16:02:33 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@shpufeff @hj it made sense when used about early doom ports, not so much when shitters started modifying the sources and then those modifications were used as base for further modification in splinter projects…
hidamari-pomf_on_bed3.png -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Friday, 28-Sep-2018 18:30:28 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@nepfag lul
Screenshot_20180928-202944.png… -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Sep-2018 08:18:28 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
:jp2: Love is the only force capable of opening hearts for Jesus' words and mercy of Redemption. It is the only power capable of convincing us to share everything we are and have by Christ's grace with our brothers. It is a powerful initiator of a dialogue during which we hear each other and come to know each other.
Love opens us to another, therefore becoming a foundation of human relationship. It empowers us to breach the barriers created by our own weaknesses and prejudices. It cleanses the memory, shows us new paths, opens us to a possibility of true reconciliation - of which an important crop is sharing testimony of the Gospel, something so much needed in modern world. :jp2: -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Sep-2018 08:08:19 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Oh, impossible to wholly understand, infinite mercy of God - who is able to properly worship and praise you? Oh, greatest attribute of the almighty God, you are the sweet hope for a sinful man. -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Friday, 21-Sep-2018 14:20:19 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Stop killing children, you murderous selfish shits -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Monday, 17-Sep-2018 11:30:27 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Linus Torvalds is dead. CIA niggers replaced him with a humanoid puppet, emboldened by their success in killing Terry. -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Monday, 17-Sep-2018 05:52:11 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@dokidoki @augustus ooooh boy…… -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Friday, 07-Sep-2018 20:22:22 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
I want this Noriko ;;;;;;
HOB-FIG-4366.jpg -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Sep-2018 20:24:07 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
@wowaname install korn -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Thursday, 30-Aug-2018 22:38:37 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
GNU/Smug is an instance of peace! Please stop the smugophobic extinct mammals and their leader's irrational hatred! -
DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~ ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Aug-2018 20:16:16 UTC DEATH TO GASTONS DESU~
Smugstyles site is now at