Notices by ay (
ay ('s status on Monday, 19-Nov-2018 04:53:32 UTC ay
Hot take: Stoicism is trending because the the world going to shit is becoming inreasingly evident to everyone. A philosophy of "don't look at the big picture, care about your own job only" helps people tune out the pain. Listening to piano music as titanic is sinking.
There is a prayer I like:
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."
The last line is the most important. How can we know whether we can change things or not. Premature acceptance is not good.
05a66f133cc9e77d6a9bbf7aaf8db4e… -
ay ('s status on Friday, 16-Nov-2018 06:09:46 UTC ay
@louisoft01 @hj
a -
ay ('s status on Thursday, 15-Nov-2018 06:49:42 UTC ay
@mono yet another proof that gamers=nazis -
ay ('s status on Thursday, 13-Sep-2018 21:47:59 UTC ay
Fortnite is a secret plot to brainwash our children to think in terms of fortnights rather than weeks so that they will be content with 2 days off once a fortnight, the "fortnightend". Keep in mind that this is a violation of the sabbath. -
ay ('s status on Thursday, 06-Sep-2018 18:05:43 UTC ay
Why do I have to fill out infinite forms with my edumacations and my jerbs and how many shekels I've earned.
It's fucking $CURRENT_YEAR just download my file from the botnet you lazy pigs. -
ay ('s status on Monday, 30-Jul-2018 10:09:22 UTC ay
If you want the platelet lolis to come out from their hiding you should injure yourself. #cutforplatelets -
ay ('s status on Friday, 20-Jul-2018 02:07:48 UTC ay
mom.jpg -
ay ('s status on Monday, 02-Jul-2018 07:55:28 UTC ay
Imagine if someone started a rumor that the forkoff crowd are actually smuglolis trolling deep undercover -
ay ('s status on Saturday, 23-Jun-2018 18:51:30 UTC ay
It's called switch because you switch it off and walk away -
ay ('s status on Friday, 18-May-2018 00:25:48 UTC ay
@kro @nepfag Peter Turchin has long warned about the dangers of Elite Overproduction as he calls it, his writing is pretty interesting. It's up there with Uncle Ted's. See eg -
ay ('s status on Thursday, 17-May-2018 03:20:57 UTC ay
Don't have to do backups if the dataminers have your db pointsathead.jpg -
ay ('s status on Tuesday, 08-May-2018 05:01:17 UTC ay
@zemichi I find the drama interesting. Personally I think Stallman is scared that since he put a comment "Put in by rms. Don't remove" he has drawn a line in the sand, and if he lets people cross his lines, then his authority will be undermined. The glibc people could have talked wiith him beforehand but they didn't (as far as we know). So basically they are deliberately testing how far his control reaches.