Notices by Sol Chadguy (
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 29-Oct-2018 18:59:54 UTC Sol Chadguy
@sim @Lenneth What we're (((supposed))) to do is pay the Jews for a piece of paper that proves we know how to do one (1) thing, then do it endlessly to the exclusion of all else in exchange for (((money))) so that whenever we encounter a problem even slightly outside our realm of "expertise", we pay someone who's (((qualified))) in whatever it is to just fix it for us -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Tuesday, 23-Oct-2018 17:30:41 UTC Sol Chadguy
@sim @karen @BigMike919 I reject completely the idea that "companies are people", tehy're fucking companies -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 22-Oct-2018 09:06:02 UTC Sol Chadguy
@lanodan I'll continue to explain, theorise about, and summarise things about which I have no experience - only knowledge - until the end of my days. Matters of "gender" are not off limits either.
Whenever I am wrong, I hope whoever knows the truth will speak up to contradict and convince me. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 15-Oct-2018 10:03:24 UTC Sol Chadguy
> "This entire group is NPCs!"
No you FOOL, the horror of the NPC menace is that they are in every group, infiltrating everyone's ranks. It's like SNATCHERs. It doesn't matter which faction you joined in the MMO of life, NPCs are in all of them. Sometimes they even lead them.
The ONLY defining characteristic of an NPC is that they lack an "inner voice", which you shouldn't take literally. It doesn't mean they don't think in language, it means:
* They can't self-reflect,
* They can't see the world in terms of abstract concepts,
* Therefore, they can't come to independent conclusions, self-actualise or create meaning.
The best way to spot an NPC *is* to try and determine whether they have any viewpoints of their own, or whether they are inherited wholesale from dogma / ideology / "influencers" (such as celebrities, e- or otherwise.)
The NPC cannot lead. The NPC cannot create. The NPC can only follow, and consume.
(That said, please keep calling Twitter™ Liberals "NPCs", it gets them so upset lol) -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 01-Oct-2018 10:25:34 UTC Sol Chadguy
@Ocean22 Like I've said to many people regarding this issue, it's not required to have a bank account either and they're a private enterprise yet we just assume everyone has one and make life impossible for anyone who doesn't.
This is "tyranny of the majority" and it's why "hurr monolithic organisations can exist in the private sector with no legal requirement to use them, just take your business elsewhere if you don't like it" solves nothing -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 01-Oct-2018 09:54:12 UTC Sol Chadguy
@ayy That's like asking Cooper why he thinks something is going on in the Black Lodge
The whole place is a creep fest full of paintings of restrained children, children "disassociating" and floating above their own prone bodies, "murder rooms" that their creator "jokes" about, endless "satirical" in jokes about kids, etc.
I don't see why whenever we talk about the huge sexual abuse conspiracy (involving entertainers, politicians, aristocracy) that we recently uncovered in the UK, we say "how did we not know this was going on?", yet when every "Person of Importance" in Washington hangs around a cult of people who love making "art" with edgy satanic / paedophilic imagery and having secret parties in weird basements, we're expected to say "Where's the EVIDENCE for this fake news?"
Powerful people have always been drawn to abusive pleasures and weird cults - just look at how South Korea lost its last president. But Americans - and apparently, us Brits too - are so well heeled on "calling out bigotry" that all it takes is something like this to be dismissed as "right wing fake news" and we just ignore it. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2018 09:08:17 UTC Sol Chadguy
Reminder that ancaps are fine with this:
And tankies, dictatorship apologists and other idolisers of "The Chinese way of doing things" are fine with THIS, its totally-not-affiliated state mandated partner:
Don't worry Americans, I'm sure when YOUR government implements it they'll keep it "private" so that it doesn't look like "socialism" -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Sep-2018 12:19:34 UTC Sol Chadguy
>Haha look at this hot new comedy guys, it asks the question: where are women™ in our news? xD
>Haha look at this show for kids, we made sure to fill it with LGBT Representation™
>Haha this is a romantic comedy dudes so it asks the question: which one of these two exploitable rich guys should the vapid woman leave her husband for?????
* Don't watch garbage
* If you're not sure if it's garbage, don't pay for it -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 20:58:27 UTC Sol Chadguy
When are you people going to understand that people like this always follow the same playbook?
1: Come into a new place
2: "Heh, I'm kind of important 😏 "
3: "Here's what you're all doing wrong, do it my way"
4: Outrageous suggestions
5: Enjoy the attention from reaction to outrageous suggestions
6: Keep pushing the same shit until weak people acquiesce, then KEEP pushing in the hope it becomes normal
It works in some places, but it won't work here, it's just fucking annoying. Either show them nothing but unwavering malice, or ignore them. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Friday, 17-Aug-2018 12:58:03 UTC Sol Chadguy
Why are people nice about Eugen?
* He made an extremely naked and transparent attempt to "muscle in" and establish Mastodon as the only legitimate fedi platform, or perhaps even as fedi ITSELF.
* When this was challenged (by lain making something better), his response was to silently hide the posts of EVERY SINGLE PLEROMA DEVELOPER from users of his instance,
* He colluded with dzuk and the rest of the blocklist gang, implementing their blocklist on without stating ANYWHERE that something so crippling was in effect. He, dzuk etc. used blacklisting as a method of trying to "force the hand" of instance admins to not only ape the same code of conduct, but also use Mastodon (as the only software with all the tools necessary to follow that code of conduct)
* When they turned on him and started threatening to fork his precious project, he quietly stopped playing along, again without saying a word because he's a coward. (This is why people on can see even though it's been on the blocklist since day 1 - we launched after the forkoff shit started. By contrast, to my knowledge, another free speech instance, is STILL blocked from properly federating with, because it's been on the blocklist since before then.)
* He makes no attempt to acknowledge other instances as legitimate unless signups are too swamped to handle, like yesterday. He certainly refuses to acknowledge other fedi platforms such as Pleroma or GNU/Social as legitimate. He clearly wants to be the Jack of "Mastodon", and rues the fact that the constraints of the GPL (or whatever license it was) meant he had to allow decentralised and open access to "his" platform software.
* While I personally have nothing against the use of Patreon to try and make a living from projects like this, I think it's obvious that part of his motivation for "protecting" his grasp on Mastodon is protection of his income stream. If you're the kind of person who came to fedi to avoid capital-driven development then ruminate on that.
* He won't fucking budge on issues that his own users are screaming for, like long post handling and collapsing, but he'll gladly spend weeks implementing trending tags, a feature people fucking detest.
"But he did so much work building a sophisticated platform!" I hear you cry. Well, Bill Gates did so much work building a sophisticated operating system and I don't see you praising him for it, because you recognise that on balance, he's a CUNT. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Saturday, 04-Aug-2018 16:42:04 UTC Sol Chadguy
@sathariel You're a very playful girl. <3 #nsfw -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Thursday, 02-Aug-2018 19:15:57 UTC Sol Chadguy
"2D girls can't be roastie--" -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 30-Jul-2018 22:10:30 UTC Sol Chadguy
@sathariel Likely not, no~ -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Friday, 27-Jul-2018 20:16:52 UTC Sol Chadguy
@Fortune @TroglodyteMike @Lenneth @Luma Luma -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Wednesday, 25-Jul-2018 15:19:30 UTC Sol Chadguy
@astheroth A skilled, rugged, reflective, handsome and charming man like you will have no trouble attracting a wife! -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Monday, 23-Jul-2018 09:09:06 UTC Sol Chadguy
@espectalll @zvirra @wowaname Bizarrely, I found the Sahara more bearable than an English summer.
England rarely gets above 30, but in the Sahara it was up in the high 40s and the interior of the pyramid was over 60. (that really was murder in there, though.)
I think it's because the Sahara is very dry heat, but England in summer is humid. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Friday, 20-Jul-2018 21:47:22 UTC Sol Chadguy
Reminder that marriage is fun~ -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Saturday, 14-Jul-2018 00:37:43 UTC Sol Chadguy
@roka @sim I'm not saying it's a positive thing.
Recently I read an article about an experiment in child psychology from the 1950s. The researchers put a marshmallow on a plate in front of various children, and told them that if they left it alone for fifteen minutes, another one would follow and they could eat both.
The children who waited (and therefore displayed a tendency toward delayed gratification) went on, over the course of MUCH further study and checking up, to achieve much better things in their lives. They were wealthier, happier, and more fulfilled, and usually had better marriages.
The second study was a two-parter. Children were given a small pack of crayons by an apologetic researcher, who promised that they'd "bring a better pack with more colours in half an hour." The reserachers kept their promise to some of the children, and broke it to others, "forgetting about them" and leaving them with only the small pack.
The marshmallow test was then repeated on these children. Those who had the crayon promise to them broken in the previous test were MUCH MORE LIKELY TO JUST EAT THE FIRST MARSHMALLOW - presumably not believing that the second one was coming at all.
This suggests how easy it is to FUCK UP SOMEONE'S LIFE just from a few encounters in their formative years. Imagine the damage that can be done by a neglectful parent - or even a well-meaning parent who just gets things slightly wrong.
Now imagine the potential for good - or harm - that comes from simply being exposed to regular life.
And NOW imagine the potential effect that a person can have on *themselves* through reinforcement, confirmation bias, etc.
My point is that if utilised properly, realising how malleable we are can be an important tool for self-actualisation. (For example, I feel RELIEVED when I realise a problem I'm having is merely psychological - because that means I can do something about it, immediately, on my own.)
But most of the time it's utilised haphazardly or badly and we can't turn it off. And that's pretty fucked up.
I hope you realise now that I wasn't advocating Jewish mind control. -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Thursday, 05-Jul-2018 18:19:22 UTC Sol Chadguy
@wowaname @kitsune @taiz AH -
Sol Chadguy ('s status on Sunday, 01-Jul-2018 22:03:16 UTC Sol Chadguy
Watching a documentary right now about "far right extremism in Mongolia." (For those who know/care about UK TV, it's Ross Kemp Extreme World)
The situation isn't terribly complex, but it illustrates something that the average western liberal likes to pretend doesn't happen.
When we tuned in, he was talking to people who had been victims of the violence and intimidation perpetuated by nationalist groups like the Blue Mongols. This one woman ran an auto shop, and while she was ethnically Mongolian, she was married to a Vietnamese man, and thus she was targeted. She seemed pretty genuinely afraid.
He then went to talk to people who supported Mongolian nationalism and examined their lives. The particular cross-section he chose to examine was coal miners in this one region where that's the only kind of work there is anymore.
The workers had their own small mine that they ran for ethnic Mongols. It was nothing like the large, well equipped mines run by Chinese multinationals. They said that they had to set this "artisinal" coal mine up in opposition because foreign corporations generally only employ foreigners, and the Chinese are the worst with this. They said that the few Mongolians who are employed by these foreign companies are given only the most menial, humiliating and low-paid jobs, and that the Chinese miners often beat them up.
The safety standards are awful even in the Chinese mines and the conditions in this Mongol mine were even worse. These men were descending 100 metres to the coal face in a tin bath, and then at the bottom they were supporting shafts with bare hewn timbers. A previous shaft had caved in, and they were scrambling into the collapsed tunnel to take all the coal they could from it. Everyone working down there had some kind of injury.
These men were earning $30 a day.
Back at the top, he interviewed one of the miners who was wearing a shirt with a swastika on it. He asked him whether the man had ever heard of Adolf Hitler. The guy's response was "I don't know much about him. I've heard he was a great man and he used this symbol. We use this symbol to resist the Chinese and show that this is our land."
This whole time, he's been using terms like "The worrying rise of the far right in Mongolia."
He went to a Blue Mongols barbecue/feast on the plains beyond the capital. He ate with them, asked them the question "Do you think it's realistic to try to save this pastoral way of life? Will Mongolians still be herdsmen in a hundred years?"
The Blue Mongols guy's reply: "Isn't it obvious what we're fighting for? We're fighting to save our land and our clear waters. Chemicals from the mines could contaminate our food and water, starting with our livestock. Is our mineral wealth really more important than our health and way of life?"
He showed dead herds that died of thirst in the expansion of the Gobi desert. (Which has tripled in size in just 40 years.)
People flock to the capital. They live in unplanned shanty owns. The men he talked to there used to have huge herds of hundreds of animals on the plains, and now they work on a fucking rubbish tip, poking around in TRASH with breather masks.
These are proud people doing work so humiliating that most of them don't even want to be filmed.
Do you fucking understand now? Do you understand that our relentless march into industrialisation, into modernisation, has this kind of cost? That our increasing globalisation, our weak and pathetic rhetoric that says things like "corporations are people!", "the free market makes people free!" and "all people are the same as long as they're here legally!" are just blinkers used to justify the increasingly intense downward spiral of our quality of life, our environmental condition, our relationship with nature and ourselves?
Would ANY of this shit be happening if the Chinese weren't in Mongolia chasing mineral wealth? Maybe. But only because the ridiculous fucking ideas we have about money, about jobs, about "progress", would have infected Mongolia through our obnoxious international propaganda media.
I don't know how to be any clearer. These people survived for centuries, for millennia, without any of that garbage. They lived under open skies, they grazed their herds on rolling grass plains, they had lives defined by opportunity, by nobility. They traded for what they couldn't make or find themselves.
It makes me fucking SICK. Go on. Argue about Left and Right. Wave your flags. Idolise idiots. What a waste of fucking time.