@commandelicious @freemo @Katobell @Demo318 About women in science and engineering? I wasn't exactly encouraged but I grew up in the 70's and 80's and it was a lot more sexist back then. We had a typing class in my school that I actively had to avoid 😖
I read about Leonardo Da Vinci when I was a kid and decided I wanted to be a renaissance man and learn about everything like he did. That is probably why I am the way I am. There was a lot of arguments in order for me to learn a few things along the way and I ended up growing pretty thick skin and working in a few all male teams so I could learn things too 🤔
I think things are a lot different nowadays. I hope they are in any case. I think they have changed how they teach things in England a LOT though. I was looking at the qualifications so I could tutor someone and I barely recognised them.