Entre los comandos básicos de todos los sistemas Unix podemos encontrar un puñado de ellos destinados a trabajar con flujos de texto (procesándolo, seleccionándolo, editándolo, etc).
Gracias al hecho de poder encontrarlos en todos los Linux, BSD (y con ello, macOS) y Windows 10-11 (gracias a WSL) del planeta, tener una noción básica sobre la labor que realizar puede resultar muy útil si en algún momento necesitamos recurrir a ellos; por ejemplo, para crear shell scripts.
A continuación, te presentamos un somero resumen de cuatro de estos comandos, sin ánimo de exhaustividad a la hora de examinar sus diferentes opciones.
For todays #FollowFriday I'm going to do something a bit different. We have a lot of new users, one of the biggest surges we have seen in a while. As such a lot of new users are looking for high quality, long-standing, accounts to follow. Similarly many of the new users need some help getting attention and making new friends.
As such I am going to do this #FF in a few parts. One for old users I have mentioned in previous posts, as well as some of the new users who have been making quality posts and been active for at least a week now. Hopefully this will be more helpful.
Also a section for some bots might be useful.
I will use a persons profile description here as I dont want to misrepresent anyone.
:awesome_slide_r: New Mentions :awesome_slide_l:
@design_RG - Books, Bicycles & Cats, Life is Good. Books, #hardcover. Bikes, #Classic sport ones. Cats, any colour or size. #Aquarius with Virgo rising. House of Ravenclaw.
@Karthikdeva - Always a Student, Nano-Technologist, Bookworm?, and basically I don't know anything, so I might be asking some agonizing questions.
@_lunawinters - Just a human , living on a rock called Earth, floating in a giant space.
@Full_marx - I am a मस्त डॉन on Mastadon. I wish to build something that can be of good use to as many people as possible. Social Sciences: Propaganda Science, Social Engineering, Behavioural Science, Advertising STEM: Human-Computer Interaction Design, Web Dev, Cyber Security Noob. Multimedia: Motion Graphics, Video Production, Electronic Music Production, Abstract Film, Writing Politics: Left, Right and Center. Whichever ideology leaves the people with the most amount of Dignity, sign me up for that one.
@raining_night - I love women, food, thriller/sci-fi/slasher movies and series, astro physics, superbikes, nature and animals ❤️ not in any specific order Trying out Veganism.
@ppmanik - Believe in free speech and data privacy. Interested in physics and science in general and future of Semiconductors and related devices in particular.
@chris - Developer focusing on #WordPress, #Privacy and the #OpenWeb. Also a speaker, teacher, blogger, and pilot doing my best to make the world a better place.
@SecondJon - I'm interested in being just not civil, but excellent in interacting with others of different viewpoints in an online world where we can so viciously defend our echo chambers and be so dismissive of other perspectives. I rarely log onto the bird site of FB anymore because the interactions are unproductive about anything meaningful. I'm a #Dad, #Husband, #Christian, #Anglican, Unaffiliated #conservatarian, Software #Developer, #Coloradan, Reader of paper #books, Card and BoardGamer, #tea drinker, solving problems for co-workers and partners primarily with and integrating with the #Salesforce/SFDC platform.
@metapsyche - I am a cloud of vapor. Fragmenting into ever smaller pieces to explore ever widening spaces. Web Developer by day, Pattern Hunter at night. Thinker and Tinkerer on weekends. :)
@imvectech - RESEARCH ° COOPERATE ° MONITOR ° ADAPT. Developing and teaching to implement DITO techniques for human survival between knowledge and fate.
@david - Value people over code. I manage tech.lgbt. WordPress Maintenance fixupfox.com. On the Internet, everyone knows I'm a dog. Follows are open both ways for me if you're nice and cool!
barmark es un #script en awk que convierte texto plano en html, muy útil para quienes encontramos que #markdown es un tedio y buscamos una buena alternativa para dar formato a un texto o bien para diseñar un sitio web estático sin mayores complicaciones. Más info: