Notices by Max Mustermann (
Max Mustermann ('s status on Sunday, 19-Aug-2018 13:24:38 UTC Max Mustermann
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Nah! The tech billionaires don't view their products that way. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Saturday, 18-Aug-2018 22:37:29 UTC Max Mustermann
@hakui @detectivehyde There is finally some concrete evidence that Gargamehl is Jewish.
>I feel like Christmas has lost its religious backing for almost every sane person. It's not about Christ anymore, but about traditions, family, and presents. I'm an atheist from a Jewish background and I have a Christmas tree standing in the living room, and listening to Christmas tunes makes me feel warm inside. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Monday, 13-Aug-2018 20:31:01 UTC Max Mustermann
This shit is creepy. Don't give your kids fucking smartphones and MMOs . -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Friday, 10-Aug-2018 20:32:38 UTC Max Mustermann
>Moon leaves the land of the salmon people under the sea and starts walking up the river toward the mountains. All the beings who live there know that he’s coming, and they prepare various weapons and traps to stop him, because they don’t want him to change the world. So he meets a man who’s sitting at the water’s edge carving a big flat board out of wood. “What are you doing?” Moon asks him, and he says, “There’s someone coming who’s going to change things, and I’m going to hit him over the head with this board and kill him.” Moon takes the board, sticks it onto the man’s rump, and says, “From now on your name is Beaver. When the people come they’ll hunt you for your fur.”
>Moon goes further up the valley, and he meets another man who’s looking anxiously around from the top of a hill. He has two weapons, one in each hand, and they have many sharp points. “What are you doing?” Moon asks him, and he says, “There’s someone coming who’s going to change things, and I’m going to stab him with all these points and kill him.” Moon takes the weapons, sticks them on the man’s head, and says, “From now on your name is Deer. When the people come they’ll hunt you for your meat and your hide.”
>And so the story goes. In the hands of a skilled storyteller—and storytelling was one of the fine arts in Native American cultures—the story of the Changer would be spun out to whatever length circumstances permitted, with any number of lively incidents meant to point up morals or pass on nuggets of wisdom. There’s no rising spiral of action leading to a grand battle between the Changer and the beings whose world he has come to change; there’s just one incident after another, until the Changer finally reaches the source of the river and leaps into the sky to become the Moon, or turns into a mountain, or goes to whatever his destiny might be, leaving the world forever changed in his wake.
>Two features of the Changer myth seem particularly relevant at the moment. The first is pointed up skillfully in the stories. The beings who try to stop the Changer and keep the world the same just keep doing whatever they were doing when the Changer arrives: the man with the board keeps carving tree trunks, the man with the many-pointed weapons keeps looking around—and there they are today, the beaver beside his dam, the deer on the hill. Having refused change, they become unable to change, and keep on going through the motions of their failed plans forever. That’s exactly what Trump’s opponents have been doing since his candidacy hit its stride, and more particularly since his inauguration. “From now on your name is Protester,” says the Changer, and sticks a pussy hat on the person’s head and a placard in her hands…
From now on you are Cuck. People will come to destroy you and you will like it. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Wednesday, 01-Aug-2018 21:43:20 UTC Max Mustermann
via @aurinidmj his twatter feed:
>Every month or so since the 2016 presidential election campaign hit high tide, somebody has asked me to say something about the weirdest and most interesting aspect of that campaign: the role played in it by a diffuse constellation of right-wing occultists who united for a brief time under the banner of a cartoon frog. A fair number of my readers have probably encountered cryptic references to Pepe the Frog, the ancient Egyptian god Kek, a Euro-pop song from the 1980s titled “Shadilay,” and an assortment of online forums collectively known as “the chans”—,, and the like—in connection with Donald Trump’s victory. Those of you who haven’t, well, you’re in for a wild ride.
>When the first flurry of requests for a post about what I call the Kek Wars came my way, I decided to wait a while before responding. My thought was that after a year or so, the losing side would get around to dealing with the fact that it lost, the tantrums would subside, and it would then be possible to have a reasoned conversation about what happened and why. One of the more interesting features of the 2016 election and its aftermath is that the tantrums haven’t subsided. That’s not quite unprecedented—as we’ll see, it has some very specific and revealing precedents earlier in American history—but it’s a good indication that something out of the ordinary is in process.
A serious blog serious about the meme wars from a non Anon source.
discontents/ -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Monday, 12-Mar-2018 13:26:36 UTC Max Mustermann
Democrats glow in the dark! -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Tuesday, 06-Mar-2018 15:26:09 UTC Max Mustermann
@hellpie @nerthos @thatbrickster @roka @quad
“Mastodon is the single greatest effort for a decentralized network during this full-web decade. One person did all the work and then simply offered it to everyone. Although it has no data protection, no development possibility or commercial structure, it reached 1 million users in December 2017, a year after its release. More than enough proof the community is ready for a big shift, given the right platform."
That|s utter bull. Gargamel needed help from GNU social people for making his software stop Ddosing the fediverse. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 17:54:11 UTC Max Mustermann
@hakui @fl0wn @dwmatiz I have a post with the actual sauce. Synopsis:
>Some PAX SJW connects Hope's shit with the real identity of some guy was busted for CP 10 years ago through a old website that wasn't even listed among Hope's projects and a forum profile.
>I get that through a god damn parody account on twatter.
>Morons scream catfish.
Question: How horny and degenerate do you have to be to get catfished by someone pretending to be a Lesbian Woman who is also a exhibitionist and probably was molested?
>one day later; Hope shuts everything down.
This should give you a complete picture of whats going on. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 17:12:22 UTC Max Mustermann
@nerthos It seems like you can blame the clowns from altrighty parts of gamergate for that. Their MO was always causing scandal for the sake of gaining control. More on that later. There evidence that the pedo and hope are one and the same person is only circumstantial. I have far more evidence that Thidran should have been virtual tared and feathered by us straight after the exodus to 8chan in a shit wall of links than the pastebin has for the guy being actually Hope. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Sunday, 04-Feb-2018 12:59:11 UTC Max Mustermann
Stern had an interview with Meryll Streep titled:
>The Law will triumph over Trump.
Also Stern:
>Title Story
>New Trail of Drugs - Investigators scream alarm; Hoe Albania cartels are conquering the narcotics market in Germany
Statistical noise my ass. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Saturday, 03-Feb-2018 19:39:01 UTC Max Mustermann
>Thoughts on #FISAMemo: if justice is served by arresting/imprisoning major figures involved, the Left will use this as further evidence that Trump is "Orange Hitler". We have gone far past the point of reasonable or principled discourse. #CivilWar is coming. What percent of Democrat voters will admit objective reality, as opposed to self-serving narratives that vindicate their nasty treatment of others? I'd be surprised if it was 30%. 1/3 of the country rejects objective measures, and will do anything and everything for power. These corrupt and dishonest people, who fundamentally reject any notion of objective truth or justice, have managed to infect half the institutions: the Civil Service, the upper echelons of the military, Silicon Valley, the Universities, the media, and the courts. The American *system* is run by people who hate America, and who hold themselves to no standard whatsoever; they will use this power to hurt and undermine anyone and everyone whom they narcissistically view as "the enemy". They *cannot* be reasoned with. At the lower ranks, they have a hiring preference for conflict-prone brutes, the same sort of people who run HOAs and who radar-ticket you for doing 5 over the speed limit, even though they regularly do 10 over. The stupid and argumentative. The decent and hardworking people have allowed themselves to be isolated; working around these people is so unpleasant, that we've abandoned the halls of power. We just want to put in an honest day's work, not play BS political games with one another. But make no mistake, these people will *not* leave you alone. They thrive on misery; they hate seeing you happy or successful. Just look at the faces of the Democrats during Trump's #SOTU when he mentioned how well minorities are doing; they HATE success. Conclusion: the establishment hates good people, will never admit wrongdoing, and will use any true justice enacted against the traitors as an excuse to double down, and become even more flagrant in their violations of the law. #CivilWar is coming.
t.Spez Dawg's Master -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Friday, 02-Feb-2018 18:56:23 UTC Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann ('s status on Thursday, 01-Feb-2018 20:54:43 UTC Max Mustermann
Wait, there's more!
>This is where I think the "soy boy" phenomenon comes from. They're all carbon copies because they all mentally bought into the same "this is a good life" package.
>I saw the image and that was the first thing that came to realization. Just a bit of stream of consciousness. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Thursday, 01-Feb-2018 20:53:00 UTC Max Mustermann
>They're trying to sell men on a pre-packaged "good life" with faux luxury, mass-produced entertainment, and dollar-store "feel good" causes.
>It's the lifestyle equivalent of a microwave dinner. Mass-produced, freeze dried, and heavily salted to make up for lack of actual flavor.
t.ayylien animal -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2018 00:14:30 UTC Max Mustermann
r-strategy, Williams Syndrome. Fascinating. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Monday, 22-Jan-2018 23:19:14 UTC Max Mustermann -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Sunday, 21-Jan-2018 14:43:25 UTC Max Mustermann
>However, it is important to note that each new Fed chair does tend to signal a new shift in action for the central bank. For example, Alan Greenspan oversaw the low interest rate easy money phase of the Fed, which created the conditions for the derivatives and credit bubble and subsequent crash in 2008. Ben Bernanke oversaw the stimulus and bailout phase, flooding the markets with massive amounts of fiat and engineering an even larger bubble in stocks, bonds and just about every other asset except perhaps some select commodities. Janet Yellen managed the tapering phase, in which stimulus has been carefully and systematically diminished while still maintaining delusional stock market euphoria.
>Now comes the era of Jerome Powell, who will oversee the last stages of fiscal tightening, the reduction of the Fed balance sheet, faster rate increases and the final implosion of the 'everything' bubble.
>As I warned before Trump won the election in 2016, a Trump presidency would inevitably be followed by economic crisis, and this would be facilitated by the Federal Reserve pulling the plug on fiat life support measures which kept the illusion of recovery going for the past several years. It is important to note that the mainstream media is consistently referring to Jerome Powell as "Trump's candidate" for the Fed, or "Trump's pick" (as if the president really has much of a choice in the roster of candidates for the Fed chair). The public is being subtly conditioned to view Powell as if he is an extension of the Trump administration.
If you are a Burgerclap:
Go tell everyone that the FED is independent from the White House and controlled from Switzerland. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2018 21:30:31 UTC Max Mustermann
If you have been living under a rock, Russia Insider brought out a long ass Article on the Jews. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2018 00:05:30 UTC Max Mustermann
This one was too good to hide inside a reply.
Background to my lack of interest in the Krautnet:
German Internet got cucked to death over the years. First there was some precedent case that lead to judgement that explains that you are not responsible for the shit you link, then they got the stupid idea of attempting to get youth protection regulations online.
>implying Sad Panda and Pr0nstein from Hollyweird care about that shit and close their websited between 6am and 10pm
Furthermore anyone making money online, even if it just a banner ad has the duty to provide an imprint. That practically kills any hope of a Something like RoK emerging out there. People doing business over Ebay are also affected. There is a law according to which you have to use standard packages if you run a mail order business online. Even you run it over fucking ebay. No more recycling packages. Sure, you can cover it with bubble wrap envelopes. That lead to another initial investment some ebay traders couldn't shoulder and so they gave up. I am pretty certain that the imprint duty also covers blogs. If it doesn't, the next wannabe blockwart will do. Envy and cuckery are cancerous here, so you could end up getting some fun, because your stupid Hello Kitty shrine doesn't have your dox somewhere. Recently, Media regulation bureaus that are state level want you to get a broadcasting license as soon you livestream to more than 500 people on a regular basis, because they want some oversight over the content and some €€€. Twitch is already forbidding you to make lewd content. Nobody needs German Youth protection on twitch. The guy who came up with that idea deserves to get shot out of a cannon. By the way, the necessary legal counsel and the license itself cost at least 10K € . Meanwhile many people were starting to make online content, because they are desperate for income. Now nobody will even start, because the initial investment implied is at least 10K €. These guys don't have that kind of money laying around.
.de domains are piss cheap for ...''''''~~~(((reasons)))~~~''''''... though. Many people switched to english and either pretend to be murrican or mainly operate in the American scene. This led to some braindrain. Virtually stuck on the German speaking Internet is a fucking imbecile. Sure, there are forums. What kind of autist posts about pretty narrow topics all the time? Don't get me started on politics! Cuck Maas has ruined that one for us. You can get busted for posting something too controversial on fucking faceberg for fucks sake. Even if that is gone, its a waste of time. Most people are still living inside the dialectic and they apparently don't want out. -
Max Mustermann ('s status on Thursday, 14-Dec-2017 18:23:39 UTC Max Mustermann
Also I heard that net neutrality got slashed. Good for everyone. This means there will be no subsidizes for fast lanes anymore and facebook and google can go fuck themselves with their censorship. Getting the daily stormer banned instead of exposed as the shit Gawker clone it actually is and banning GAB on the google play store wasn't the brightest ideas ever. All both incidents have done for net neutrality is making the propaganda fizzle. Kind Reminder: