@komun @fanta Yo nunca le tuve mucho aprecio a Eduard Punset, la verdad. No es que me cayera mal, pero nunca entendí la legión de seguidores que tenía. Redes me parecía una magufada brutal. Para mí Punset era a los programas de ciencia lo que Dragó a los de libros.
Notices by nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Oct-2019 18:30:43 UTC nil
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Sunday, 20-Oct-2019 09:08:04 UTC nil
@angeles @fanta ¿Qué os parece? Acabo de encontrar esto:
Si es que siempre me da por hablar antes de asegurarme de que no digo tonterías.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Sunday, 20-Oct-2019 08:20:47 UTC nil
@fanta Precisamente por eso deberían hacerlo.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 01-Oct-2019 19:10:10 UTC nil
@jartigag Fedilab is on fdroid, but the latest version may not be there yet. I downloaded it the other day and I believe it was 2.19.x.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 01-Oct-2019 19:05:35 UTC nil
@jartigag It's already at version 2.20.0. Before sending a bug report, try upgrading.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 01-Oct-2019 18:01:44 UTC nil
@esheep Awesome! We all knew you could do it.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2019 18:48:35 UTC nil
@proxeus The point separates words. That's why I think they meant Winger (which is an actual word) and not Wing Air (which are two and don't make much sense), but I don't play Fate and my Japanese level is still only A2, so whatever.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2019 18:38:23 UTC nil
@proxeus Wing Air Trust, or maybe Winger Trust. My money is on the latter, but after a search I have only seen the former.
Elias Mårtenson (loke@functional.cafe)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2019 14:39:57 UTC Elias Mårtenson
Look what sowed up in my Youtube playlist.
A bit of background: Several years ago I pledged to a kickstarter by Jeri Ellsworth. It was successful but after a few years their company had to close. Amazingly, they managed to find resources to pay back all the money they got from the kickstarter.
But she didn't give up, and now they're restarted the project, and of course I pledged to it.
She's a great engineer, also check the other videos.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2019 18:03:49 UTC nil
@yogthos I don't know. I guess I just can't stand hypocrisy and overacting: https://pleroma.libretux.com/objects/347843dc-090f-4ee4-9d97-0c7b83b0449a
I don't blame her, though. I blame her parents and the media. I bet they think speaking in front of millions is a great way to treat Asperger's.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Monday, 23-Sep-2019 17:49:33 UTC nil
@yogthos Said the girl who managed to skip school and travel around the world influencing regular people and political leaders alike, and even cross the Atlantic on a boat by age sixteen. How can someone be so entitled?
And what were her dreams anyway? To marry and reproduce? Because she got everything else all right.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Saturday, 21-Sep-2019 18:16:02 UTC nil
@aurochs Te pongo yo otro ejemplo: ¿te parece bien que los humoristas ridiculicen a los poderosos? U otro: ¿te acuerdas del monólogo que hace Cyrano cuando un imbécil le dice que su nariz es «grande» poniéndolo en ridículo por su falta de ingenio?
Para mí hacer eso es absolutamente necesario: a los tontos, a los creídos, a los cobardes hay que humillarlos. Porque así no nacen, sino que se hacen. Tienen la culpa de ser como son. Y bastante daño causan como para que encima se vayan de rositas.
Parade du Grotesque 💀 (paradegrotesque@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Saturday, 21-Sep-2019 12:19:11 UTC Parade du Grotesque 💀
Linux systemd is now going to manage user /home directories.
I don't... I mean, I just can't...
Let me try again.
1) You are going to let a piece of software manage something which is freakishly sensitive and can create A LOT OF PROBLEMS down the line.
2) ALL software have bugs. Lots of them. And systemd is, shall we say, a highly complex piece of sotware, that contains a LOT of bugs.
What could possibly go wrong? 🤦♂️
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Friday, 20-Sep-2019 17:12:18 UTC nil
@aurochs Por no hablar de que la señora Gilpin, azotada o no, se quedaría sin amigos que le perdonasen el desliz y le ayudasen a sobrellevarlo, mientras que Cassandra, igual que tuvo detractores, tuvo (y muchos) defensores, incluidos personajes públicos. Así que no es el mismo caso ni tiene comparación posible.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Friday, 20-Sep-2019 17:06:33 UTC nil
@aurochs No estoy de acuerdo con el artículo. En primer lugar, no es lo mismo que te azoten y te flagelen (en público o en privado) que el que te insulten en Twitter.
En segundo lugar, lo que defiende Soto Ivars sin querer (supongo) es que deberían haber condenado a Cassandra por sus tuits, porque también la familia de Carrero Blanco tendrá derecho a no sufrir el castigo infamante, digo yo.
∑ Xah Lee 李杀 (xahlee@mstdn.io)'s status on Thursday, 19-Sep-2019 06:57:15 UTC ∑ Xah Lee 李杀
with rms stepping down, i think FSF is effectively dead. I actually worry who's gonna lead. From what i see, it's likely not a good person. But, likely from now on FSF is just a pol puppet. Much followers and FSF loyalists will be lost.
twitter thread -
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Thursday, 19-Sep-2019 21:47:18 UTC nil
By the way, I recently watched this movie called 84, Charing Cross Road with Anne Bancroft (wonderful as always), Anthony Hopkins (not so great) and Judi Dench. Very moving and funny. I highly recommend it if you don't yet know it.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Thursday, 19-Sep-2019 19:50:23 UTC nil
I miss Gea. The first bookshop I ever went to and still the best. It was so small, but they seemed to have everything a young man could need. If I had a happy place, that would be it.
I'm looking at the last book I bought there before they closed: an American Splendor anthology. Now that I think about it, it was the first comic I ever bought.
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Thursday, 19-Sep-2019 19:39:47 UTC nil
I miss Informática y Comunicaciones. Awesome people, awesome service. I bought there several knuths, and I would have bought much more if it hadn't closed soon after I discovered them.
Most people preferred to buy at Cocodrilo Libros, a disgusting shithole by comparison.
Seriously. What's so hard to grasp about the concept of needing to promote one's own business in order to make it grow?
nil (josemanuel@mastodon.tetaneutral.net@mastodon.tetaneutral.net)'s status on Thursday, 19-Sep-2019 19:32:07 UTC nil
I tried to find bookshops near me that were specialised in computer science, but the few I've found don't have a webpage. And they're not even specialised. They just sell ‘technical’ books.
It's ok if you don't want me as a customer. Just don't come crying to me later that Amazon is destroying your businesses. At least I, unlike you, tried.