Notices by MMN-o ✅⃠ (, page 3
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 21-Sep-2017 09:31:36 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ Something awesome is happening to !umehack -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 21-Sep-2017 05:07:15 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @satchmoz Hashtags don't work as groups. Groups in !GNUsocial can be joined and then anything posted to them federate to all the members. Hashtags don't. Maybe Mastodon will implement groups or similar in the future. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Saturday, 16-Sep-2017 08:12:01 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ My reasoning is that these things are intertwined. Equal rights (race/class/gender/sexuality) is without a doubt the exact same struggle (principally/philosophically) as libre software, knowledge, culture in general. I don't think there's any doubt about that.
Vegetarianism is a bit more far-fetched. But if someone's avoiding the meat industry for ecology/sustainability reasons then I believe they should be just as equally involved with blobfree technology as in animalfree foods. (or - which I'd totally accept - simply avoiding the encumbered technologies)
General leftists etc. should already be both equal rights proponents and vegetarian (with possible exception of meat in a very low-grade sustainable self-reliance manner). So no more arguments are needed there.. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Monday, 11-Sep-2017 08:50:08 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @oxenfree @cybermeow @elizafox @cyberpotato @cajun @thatbrickster @lain @heluecht
Hi, I'm @mmn, maintainer of GNUsocial. I reacted when it was written that "many people on gnusocial are angry" and wish to say that !GNUsocial has only love and appreciation for #Mastodon and #ActivityPub.
I believe cooperation is important for libre software and the federated social web. I believe our plural and diverse community should embrace and encourage contributors and development. Any progress we want to make - regardless of anyone's preferred technology - is impeded by hostility and empowered by friendship.
So I want to say thank @cwebber @gargron et al. for all the hard work you actively put into ActivityPub. It's awesome that so many users get in touch with !fs via open protocols. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Friday, 08-Sep-2017 08:29:25 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @sonny "Vanilla" is often used to describe something which has not been modified (think flavours in icecream). So a vanilla installation of !GNUsocial is just the code downloaded from the repository without any modifications. OpenID should be enabled by default. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 07-Sep-2017 21:43:31 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @abbenm Though I happen to use #Twidere for !GNUsocial .) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Tuesday, 05-Sep-2017 22:37:58 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @cwebber The only reason !GNUsocial doesn't have #ActivityPub yet is because I have a fulltime job and noone else has been up for the task .]
Though I'm pretty sure it'd still just be the 100% public parts of AP that would be used/promoted, as I'm pretty much convinced there's no such thing as privacy in the social sphere anyway and anyone using "private" communication in an environment like !GNUsocial or #Mastodon is fooled either by the platform, the administrator or other users. (anything accessible via a web browser isn't made for privacy) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Friday, 25-Aug-2017 05:02:42 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ In which direction doesn't it work for you, as a provider or authentication consumer? #OpenID is great and works great for me on all !GNUsocial instances I use and administer afaik. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2017 15:16:34 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @cnc I prefer not to choose any specific software backend (GNU social, Mastodon, Pleroma, any fork of any of those) as the primary method to join the !fediverse. I personally use and develop !GNUsocial, so I'm somewhat biased .) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2017 14:46:56 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ there we go -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2017 13:47:10 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @indi !qvitter doesn't support that afaik, so go to the "classic" view. !GNUsocial -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 16:13:00 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @patrickme !GNUsocial is another piece of software entirely that has some features that #Mastodon lacks and vice versa. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 10:51:26 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @sylvhem I don't see how it's "not safe for work". Especially if I reach out to spider scientists, that'd be counter productive even.
However if you mean "content warning" then we don't implement anything lile that directly in !GNUsocial, but if you want to do some content analysis I _did_ in fact have "spider" written explicitly in my post - even referencing the attached image.
Maybe the best solution for sensitive individuals is to disable automatic image previews? Because I honestly can't #cw all possible phobias. Click-to-show is the best solution imho, unless the explicit purpose of the site is to be an image board... -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 10:39:36 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ Any arachnologist(?) who can identify this awesome looking spider? Its bottom side was also really neat, with something like two white dots above a triangle going down towards something black with a white stripe formed lile: (|) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 10-Aug-2017 10:47:56 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ Alright, now !GNUsocial nightly can differentiate between identically named groups on different servers when typing. Like so: !fediverse and !fediverse (written as ! -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 10-Aug-2017 07:49:49 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ Nu kommer en lång uppföljning på ett långt svar igen, @elsander .)
Det kan ju även nämnas att !OStatus (hur GNU social och Mastodon kommunicerar) bygger på samma datastruktur som vanliga prenumererbara nyhetsflöden (Atom mer specifikt, RSS är ju annars också vanligt). Så alla bloggar - vilket nog faktiskt _är_ alla - låter en prenumerera på vanliga bloggar.
Bloggar använder sig ju av pingbacks för att kommunicera sinsemellan - vilket åtminstone !GNUsocial har rudimentärt stöd för i alla fall. Samt att det är på g med den nya s.k. indieweb-standarden "WebMentions" vilket i princip ersätter pingbacks.
Min poäng är alltså: välj en bloggmjukvara som stöder de vanliga standarderna inom bloggvärlden så fungerar det redan idag som Mastodon och GNU social. Det enda som skiljer är användargränssnittet (pga mikroblogging och blogging generellt sett används på olika sätt i första början)
Vet ej vilken kunskap du har om webbsaker, så fråga om jag använder knasiga uttryck .) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Sunday, 30-Jul-2017 19:40:39 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ I just wrote a #climagic HTML generator in #Py3k:
Originally it was called 'clitml' but I was reminded by posting it on IRC that genitals are still considered humorous. !development -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Sunday, 30-Jul-2017 08:09:57 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ !fediverse appears to be on and is in need of a new home. Anyone up for hosting it? .) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2017 20:01:33 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ To the !fediverse admins (and users!) - *cheers*!
( RSS-driven screensaver in the background, possible thanks to the awesome admin kompis kompis pair @hannes2peer and @3mp0!) -
MMN-o ✅⃠ ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jul-2017 16:08:46 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠ @gargron You should do it like us in !GNUsocial and !qvitter and just fuck the poooo...liticans' insane legalese law making. Don't let morons put boundaries on your creativity and effectiveness.